My Health Record FHIR IG
1.2.0 - active Australia flag

My Health Record FHIR IG - Local Development build (v1.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

: Follow-Up Encounter for Mr Zhang Wei (2020) - JSON Representation

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  "resourceType" : "Encounter",
  "id" : "es-02",
  "meta" : {
    "profile" : [
      🔗 ""
  "text" : {
    "status" : "additional",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"\" lang=\"en-AU\">\n            <p>ZHANG Wei; MC = 29533070311; IHI = 8003608000228437; gender = male</p>\n            <p>Patient presented for follow-up with urinary tract infection on 30\n                May.</p>\n            <p>Complaining of frequent and painful urinating. Midstream urine test was\n                done and revealed urinary infection.</p>\n            <p>Culture and sensitivity test discovered escherichia coli sensitive to\n                Bactrim.</p>\n            <p>Patient was prescribed Bactrim 2 tablets twice a day, and Panadol one\n                tablet 4 times a day.</p>\n            <p>Patient has no allergies.</p>\n        </div>"
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "",
      "valueString" : "Patient presented for follow-up with urinary tract infection on 30 May. Complaining of frequent and painful urinating.              Midstream urine test was done and revealed urinary infection. Culture and sensitivity test discovered escherichia coli sensitive to Bactrim.             Patient was prescribed Bactrim 2 tablets twice a day, and Panadol one tablet 4 times a day. Patient has no allergies."
  "status" : "finished",
  "class" : {
    "system" : "",
    "code" : "AMB",
    "display" : "ambulatory"
  "type" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "",
          "code" : "390906007",
          "display" : "Follow-up encounter"
  "serviceType" : {
    "coding" : [
        "system" : "",
        "code" : "700232004",
        "display" : "General medical service"
  "subject" : {
    🔗 "reference" : "Patient/mhr-zhang-wei",
    "identifier" : {
      "type" : {
        "coding" : [
            "system" : "",
            "code" : "NI",
            "display" : "National unique individual identifier"
        "text" : "IHI"
      "system" : "",
      "value" : "8003608000228437"
  "participant" : [
      "type" : [
          "coding" : [
              "system" : "",
              "code" : "PPRF",
              "display" : "primary performer"
      "individual" : {
        🔗 "reference" : "PractitionerRole/algrester-greg-gp"
  "period" : {
    "start" : "2020-05-30T09:00:00+10:00",
    "end" : "2020-05-30T09:30:00+10:00"