Clinical Document Architecture with Australian Schema
1.0.0 - current Australia flag

Clinical Document Architecture with Australian Schema - Local Development build (v1.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Logical Model: addr AD: PostalAddress (V3 Data Type)

Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Active as of 2024-08-29 Computable Name: addrress

Mailing and home or office addresses. A sequence of address parts, such as street or post office Box, city, postal code, country, etc.


  • This Logical Model Profile is not used by any profiles in this Implementation Guide

Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from ANY

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
... item C 0..* Base Choice Group: This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance
AD-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
... item C 0..* Base Choice Group: This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance
AD-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1
text-nullerrorAD.item.delimiter,, AD.item.state, AD.item.county,, AD.item.postalCode, AD.item.streetAddressLine, AD.item.houseNumber, AD.item.houseNumberNumeric, AD.item.direction, AD.item.streetName, AD.item.streetNameBase, AD.item.streetNameType, AD.item.additionalLocator, AD.item.unitID, AD.item.unitType, AD.item.careOf, AD.item.censusTract, AD.item.deliveryAddressLine, AD.item.deliveryInstallationType, AD.item.deliveryInstallationArea, AD.item.deliveryInstallationQualifier, AD.item.deliveryMode, AD.item.deliveryModeIdentifier, AD.item.buildingNumberSuffix, AD.item.postBox, AD.item.precinctxmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
: (xmlText | nullFlavor).count() = 1
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
... useablePeriod 0..*
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1
text-nullerrorAD.item.delimiter,, AD.item.state, AD.item.county,, AD.item.postalCode, AD.item.streetAddressLine, AD.item.houseNumber, AD.item.houseNumberNumeric, AD.item.direction, AD.item.streetName, AD.item.streetNameBase, AD.item.streetNameType, AD.item.additionalLocator, AD.item.unitID, AD.item.unitType, AD.item.careOf, AD.item.censusTract, AD.item.deliveryAddressLine, AD.item.deliveryInstallationType, AD.item.deliveryInstallationArea, AD.item.deliveryInstallationQualifier, AD.item.deliveryMode, AD.item.deliveryModeIdentifier, AD.item.buildingNumberSuffix, AD.item.postBox, AD.item.precinctxmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
: (xmlText | nullFlavor).count() = 1

Differential View

This structure is derived from ANY

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
... item C 0..* Base Choice Group: This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance
AD-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct 0..1 ADXP
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
... item C 0..* Base Choice Group: This is a repeating choice group that does not appear directly in the instance
AD-1: Can only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1
text-nullerrorAD.item.delimiter,, AD.item.state, AD.item.county,, AD.item.postalCode, AD.item.streetAddressLine, AD.item.houseNumber, AD.item.houseNumberNumeric, AD.item.direction, AD.item.streetName, AD.item.streetNameBase, AD.item.streetNameType, AD.item.additionalLocator, AD.item.unitID, AD.item.unitType, AD.item.careOf, AD.item.censusTract, AD.item.deliveryAddressLine, AD.item.deliveryInstallationType, AD.item.deliveryInstallationArea, AD.item.deliveryInstallationQualifier, AD.item.deliveryMode, AD.item.deliveryModeIdentifier, AD.item.buildingNumberSuffix, AD.item.postBox, AD.item.precinctxmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
: (xmlText | nullFlavor).count() = 1

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. AD 1..* ANY XML Namespace: urn:hl7-org:v3
Elements defined in Ancestors:@nullFlavor
Base for all types and resources
Logical Container: ADHA ClinicalDocument (CDA Class)
... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
... @isNotOrdered 0..1 bl
... @use 0..* cs Binding: CDAPostalAddressUse (required)
.... (Choice of one) 1..1
..... delimiter C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DEL
..... country C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CNT
..... state C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STA
..... county C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CPA
..... city C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CTY
..... postalCode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ZIP
..... streetAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: SAL
..... houseNumber C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNR
..... houseNumberNumeric C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNN
..... direction C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DIR
..... streetName C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STR
..... streetNameBase C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STB
..... streetNameType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: STTYP
..... additionalLocator C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: ADL
..... unitID C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNID
..... unitType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: UNIT
..... careOf C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CAR
..... censusTract C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: CEN
..... deliveryAddressLine C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DAL
..... deliveryInstallationType C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINST
..... deliveryInstallationArea C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTA
..... deliveryInstallationQualifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DINSTQ
..... deliveryMode C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMOD
..... deliveryModeIdentifier C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: DMODID
..... buildingNumberSuffix C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: BNS
..... postBox C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: POB
..... precinct C 0..1 ADXP text-null: xmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
...... (Choice of one) 1..1
....... @nullFlavor 0..1 cs Binding: CDANullFlavor (required)
....... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
...... @representation 0..1 cs Fixed Value: TXT
...... @mediaType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: text/plain
...... @language 0..1 cs
...... @partType 0..1 cs Fixed Value: PRE
..... xmlText 0..1 st Allows for mixed text content
... useablePeriod 0..*
.... useablePeriod IVL_TS
.... useablePeriod EIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod PIVL_TS
.... useablePeriod SXPR_TS

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG
from this IG


AD-1errorAD.itemCan only have only one of the possible item elements in each choice
: (delimiter | country | state | county | city | postalCode | streetAddressLine | houseNumber | houseNumberNumeric | direction | streetName | streetNameBase | streetNameType | additionalLocator | unitID | unitType | careOf | censusTract | deliveryAddressLine | deliveryInstallationType | deliveryInstallationArea | deliveryInstallationQualifier | deliveryMode | deliveryModeIdentifier | buildingNumberSuffix | postBox | precinct | xmlText).count() = 1
text-nullerrorAD.item.delimiter,, AD.item.state, AD.item.county,, AD.item.postalCode, AD.item.streetAddressLine, AD.item.houseNumber, AD.item.houseNumberNumeric, AD.item.direction, AD.item.streetName, AD.item.streetNameBase, AD.item.streetNameType, AD.item.additionalLocator, AD.item.unitID, AD.item.unitType, AD.item.careOf, AD.item.censusTract, AD.item.deliveryAddressLine, AD.item.deliveryInstallationType, AD.item.deliveryInstallationArea, AD.item.deliveryInstallationQualifier, AD.item.deliveryMode, AD.item.deliveryModeIdentifier, AD.item.buildingNumberSuffix, AD.item.postBox, AD.item.precinctxmlText and nullFlavor are mutually exclusive (one must be present)
: (xmlText | nullFlavor).count() = 1


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel