Provider Connect Australia (PCA) - active Australia flag

Provider Connect Australia (PCA) - Local Development build (v24.2.0.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Resource Profile: PCA Organization

Official URL: Version:
Active as of 2024-09-23 Computable Name: PcaOrganization

Copyright/Legal: Copyright © 2024 Australian Digital Health Agency - All rights reserved. This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. See

This profile of Organization defines an organisation, in an Australian healthcare context, as supported by the Provider Connect Australia (PCA) service.

Must support

The meaning of the presence or absence of the must support flag is described in Must support, except for the extension:pca-active-in-system-of-record element. When an Organization is provided to a subscribing system the value for this element is populated by the PCA service to indicate if the organisation is currently active in the system of record from which the name and identifier elements were obtained.


Extensions introduced in this profile:

Usage notes


The PCA Organization profile explicitly supports the following identifier slices (as indicated by the must support flag):

  • Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
  • Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI)

A PCA Organization resource may also have additional identifiers specific to other PCA business partners, and their identifier systems may or may not match other identifier slices defined in AU Base Organization.

Organisation type

The PCA Organization profile is used to represent different types of organisations within the PCA service.

  • A HI organisation is an organisation sourced from the HI service. It has a type of 'HIO', and an AU HPI-O identifier.

  • A legal entity organisation is an organisation with an Australian Business Number (ABN) or a sole trader without an ABN. It has a type of 'LEO', and an AU Australian Business Number identifier (except for sole traders without an ABN). A legal entity organisation is further classified as either a participating organisation (that is, an organisation that has a participation agreement with PCA), or a subsidiary of a participating organisation:

    • A participating publishing organisation will additionally include a type of 'PPO'.
    • A participating subscribing organisation will additionally include a type of 'PSO'.
    • A subsidiary organisation will only have a type of 'LEO'.

Address lines

When a PCA Organization is retrieved by a publishing or subscribing system, the line elements for address (if present) are populated by PCA using the same rules that are defined in the usage notes of the PCA Postal Address extension.

Supported interactions

Supported service interactions for this profile are defined in the following capability statements:


Formal Views of Profile Content

Description of Profiles, Differentials, Snapshots and how the different presentations work.

This structure is derived from AUBaseOrganisation

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier, AUHPIO, AUPAIOIdentifier, AUCSPRegistrationNumber, AUAustralianBusinessNumber, AUAustralianCompanyNumber, AUAustralianRegisteredBodyNumber, AUNATAAccreditationNumber, AUPharmacyApprovalNumber Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
.... identifier:hpio S 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
.... identifier:abn S 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active S 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... name S 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom S 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
.... identifier:hpio SC 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
inv-hpio-0: HPI-O shall be 16 digits
inv-hpio-1: HPI-O prefix shall be 800362
inv-hpio-2: HPI-O shall pass the Luhn algorithm check
.... identifier:abn SC 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
inv-abn-0: ABN shall be 11 digits
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active ?!SΣ 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 1..* CodeableConcept Kind of organization
Binding: PCA Organization Type (required)
... name SΣC 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf SΣ 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4
NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier, AUHPIO, AUPAIOIdentifier, AUCSPRegistrationNumber, AUAustralianBusinessNumber, AUAustralianCompanyNumber, AUAustralianRegisteredBodyNumber, AUNATAAccreditationNumber, AUPharmacyApprovalNumber Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
.... identifier:hpio SC 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
inv-hpio-0: HPI-O shall be 16 digits
inv-hpio-1: HPI-O prefix shall be 800362
inv-hpio-2: HPI-O shall pass the Luhn algorithm check
.... identifier:abn SC 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
inv-abn-0: ABN shall be 11 digits
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active ?!SΣ 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 1..* CodeableConcept Kind of organization
Binding: PCA Organization Type (required)
... name SΣC 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf SΣ 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part
... contact 0..* BackboneElement Contact for the organization for a certain purpose
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... purpose 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of contact
Binding: Contact Purpose (extensible)
.... name 0..1 HumanName A name associated with the contact
.... telecom 0..* ContactPoint Contact details (telephone, email, etc.) for a contact
.... address 0..1 Address Visiting or postal addresses for the contact
... endpoint 0..* Reference(Endpoint) Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4

Differential View

This structure is derived from AUBaseOrganisation

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier, AUHPIO, AUPAIOIdentifier, AUCSPRegistrationNumber, AUAustralianBusinessNumber, AUAustralianCompanyNumber, AUAustralianRegisteredBodyNumber, AUNATAAccreditationNumber, AUPharmacyApprovalNumber Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
.... identifier:hpio S 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
.... identifier:abn S 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active S 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... name S 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom S 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings (Differential)

Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4

Key Elements View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... Slices for extension Content/Rules for all slices
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
.... identifier:hpio SC 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
inv-hpio-0: HPI-O shall be 16 digits
inv-hpio-1: HPI-O prefix shall be 800362
inv-hpio-2: HPI-O shall pass the Luhn algorithm check
.... identifier:abn SC 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
inv-abn-0: ABN shall be 11 digits
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active ?!SΣ 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 1..* CodeableConcept Kind of organization
Binding: PCA Organization Type (required)
... name SΣC 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf SΣ 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4

Snapshot View

NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Organization C 0..* AUBaseOrganisation An organisation in an Australian healthcare context
org-1: The organization SHALL at least have a name or an identifier, and possibly more than one
inv-pca-1: Organization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
inv-pca-2: If present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-3: If present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
inv-pca-4: If type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-5: If and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
inv-pca-6: If type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
inv-pca-7: The types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
inv-pca-8: If one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
... id Σ 0..1 id Logical id of this artifact
... meta Σ 0..1 Meta Metadata about the resource
... implicitRules ?!Σ 0..1 uri A set of rules under which this content was created
... text 0..1 Narrative Text summary of the resource, for human interpretation
... contained 0..* Resource Contained, inline Resources
... Slices for extension 0..* Extension Extension
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:url
.... pca-active-in-system-of-record S 0..1 (Complex) Whether this organization's record is active in a system of record (ABR, HI Service)
.... pca-part-of-legal-entity S 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The legal entity of which this organisation is part
... modifierExtension ?! 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored
... Slices for identifier S 0..* Identifier, AUHPIO, AUPAIOIdentifier, AUCSPRegistrationNumber, AUAustralianBusinessNumber, AUAustralianCompanyNumber, AUAustralianRegisteredBodyNumber, AUNATAAccreditationNumber, AUPharmacyApprovalNumber Identifies this organization across multiple systems
Slice: Unordered, Open by value:system
.... identifier:hpio SC 0..1 AUHPIO Healthcare Provider Identifier – Organisation (HPI-O)
inv-hpio-0: HPI-O shall be 16 digits
inv-hpio-1: HPI-O prefix shall be 800362
inv-hpio-2: HPI-O shall pass the Luhn algorithm check
.... identifier:abn SC 0..1 AUAustralianBusinessNumber Australian Business Number (ABN)
inv-abn-0: ABN shall be 11 digits
.... identifier:pca-oi S 0..1 PcaOrganizationIdentifier PCA Organization Identifier (PCA-OI) issued by the PCA service
... active ?!SΣ 1..1 boolean Whether the organization's record is still in active use
... type SΣ 1..* CodeableConcept Kind of organization
Binding: PCA Organization Type (required)
... name SΣC 1..1 string Name used for the organization
... alias S 0..1 string A list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
... telecom SC 0..* ContactPoint A contact detail for the organization
org-3: The telecom of an organization can never be of use 'home'
... address SC 0..* AustralianAddress An address for the organization
inv-add-0: The address shall at least have text or a line
inv-add-1: If asserting no fixed address, the type shall be 'physical'
inv-add-2: If asserting no fixed address, the address text shall begin with 'NO FIXED ADDRESS'
org-2: An address of an organization can never be of use 'home'
inv-pca-9: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
inv-pca-10: If present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
inv-pca-11: address shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
... partOf SΣ 0..1 Reference(PCA Organization) The organization of which this organization forms a part
... contact 0..* BackboneElement Contact for the organization for a certain purpose
.... id 0..1 string Unique id for inter-element referencing
.... extension 0..* Extension Additional content defined by implementations
.... modifierExtension ?!Σ 0..* Extension Extensions that cannot be ignored even if unrecognized
.... purpose 0..1 CodeableConcept The type of contact
Binding: Contact Purpose (extensible)
.... name 0..1 HumanName A name associated with the contact
.... telecom 0..* ContactPoint Contact details (telephone, email, etc.) for a contact
.... address 0..1 Address Visiting or postal addresses for the contact
... endpoint 0..* Reference(Endpoint) Technical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization

doco Documentation for this format

Terminology Bindings

Additional Bindings Purpose
AllLanguages Max Binding
from the FHIR Standard
Organization.typerequiredPcaOrganizationType (a valid code from PCA Organization Type)
from this IG


inv-pca-1errorOrganizationOrganization shall not have both ABN and HPI-O identifiers
: identifier.exists(system = '') implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-2errorOrganizationIf present, pca-part-of-legal-entity.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: extension('').value.reference.exists() implies extension('').value.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-3errorOrganizationIf present, partOf.reference shall be a relative reference to an Organization
: partOf.reference.exists() implies partOf.reference.startsWith('Organization/')
inv-pca-4errorOrganizationIf type is 'LEO', no HPI-O identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-5errorOrganizationIf and only if type is 'HIO', HPI-O identifier shall exist
: (type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '')) and (identifier.exists(system = '') implies type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists())
inv-pca-6errorOrganizationIf type is 'HIO', no ABN identifier shall exist
: type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').exists() implies identifier.exists(system = '').not()
inv-pca-7errorOrganizationThe types shall include one and only one of 'LEO' and 'HIO'
: type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').count() + type.coding.where(code = 'HIO' and system = '').count() = 1
inv-pca-8errorOrganizationIf one type is 'PPO' or 'PSO' another type shall be 'LEO'
: (type.coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '').exists() implies type.coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '').exists()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PSO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not()) and (type.where(coding.where(code = 'PPO' and system = '') and coding.where(code = 'LEO' and system = '')).exists().not())
inv-pca-9errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a DPID address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-10errorOrganization.addressIf present, at most one instance of the address element shall contain a G-NAF address identifier
: extension('').value.where(system='').count() < 2
inv-pca-11errorOrganization.addressaddress shall contain a maximum of 3 line elements
: line.count() < 4


Other representations of profile: CSV, Excel, Schematron


No additional search parameters defined for this resource profile.