My Health Record FHIR IG
1.3.0 - active
My Health Record FHIR IG - Local Development build (v1.3.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
Document Details
Generated Narrative: Bundle Medical Conditions View
version: 20240130T1523517511100; Last updated: 2024-01-30 15:23:51+1100; Language: en-AU
Profile: MHR Medical Conditions View Document Bundle
Final Document at 2022-02-15 07:15:15+1000 by Device: identifier = PAI-D: 8003640003000026; manufacturer = My Health Record; type = for Bundle: identifier = UUID:c09abd65-7e63-407d-939a-95bcabc393cf; type = document; timestamp = 2023-08-12 10:30:00+1000
Document Subject
Generated Narrative: Patient 769d6e70-97b7-4a52-96e0-8ba4ec9d81f8
Mike Broadway Male, DoB: 1967-04-12 ( IHI: Austalian Healthcare Identifier - Individual#8003608166895854)
Other Id: | Medicare Number/5950890021 (, period: (?) --> 2023-12) | ||
Australian Indigenous Status | australian-indigenous-status-1 1: Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin |
Document Content
Entry 1 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:b6286527-e740-4317-bc22-49996956c2a1
Resource Composition:
Generated Narrative: Composition b6286527-e740-4317-bc22-49996956c2a1
Language: en-AU
status: Final
type: Medical Conditions View
category: Patient Health Summary
date: 2022-02-15 07:15:15+1000
author: Device: identifier = PAI-D: 8003640003000026; manufacturer = My Health Record; type =
title: Medical Conditions View
custodian: Organization My Health Record system operator
Generated Narrative: Device #9b1acd4f-3f31-4db3-8ab7-ef7fad6e37ec
identifier: PAI-D/8003640003000026
manufacturer: My Health Record
type: My Health Record
Generated Narrative: Organization #853f7c2d-4d58-4e06-aa12-21b47572815a
identifier: PAI-O/8003640001000036
name: My Health Record system operator
Entry 2 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:769d6e70-97b7-4a52-96e0-8ba4ec9d81f8
Resource Patient:
Generated Narrative: Patient 769d6e70-97b7-4a52-96e0-8ba4ec9d81f8
Mike Broadway Male, DoB: 1967-04-12 ( IHI: Austalian Healthcare Identifier - Individual#8003608166895854)
Other Id: Medicare Number/5950890021 (, period: (?) --> 2023-12) Australian Indigenous Status australian-indigenous-status-1 1: Aboriginal but not Torres Strait Islander origin
Entry 3 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:1aa844c3-93e7-4f3d-878f-1207f779f36a
Resource AllergyIntolerance:
Generated Narrative: AllergyIntolerance 1aa844c3-93e7-4f3d-878f-1207f779f36a
MHR AllergyIntolerance Detailed Type: Allergic reaction
clinicalStatus: Active
code: sulfonamide antibacterial
Manifestation No display for AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation (concept: Rash)
Entry 4 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:d18857d0-072b-4531-bcf4-2e05450d532c
Resource Procedure:
Generated Narrative: Procedure d18857d0-072b-4531-bcf4-2e05450d532c
status: Completed
category: Surgical procedure
code: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
note: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy to resolve severe upper right abdominal pain, Advised to present in 2 days to the usual GPs clinic for a change of dressings.
Entry 5 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:e99cc4ca-ebd8-4845-9508-4dc5477a0021
Resource Provenance:
Generated Narrative: Provenance e99cc4ca-ebd8-4845-9508-4dc5477a0021
Provenance for Bundle: identifier = UUID:c09abd65-7e63-407d-939a-95bcabc393cf; type = document; timestamp = 2023-08-12 10:30:00+1000
Occurrence 2024-06-27 --> 2024-06-28 Recorded 2024-06-27 08:39:24+1000 Agents
Type who author (originator) Organization Australian Digital Health Agency
Entry 6 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:00b55070-0fe3-4e3f-9346-f77db94ca9bf
Resource DocumentReference:
Generated Narrative: DocumentReference 00b55070-0fe3-4e3f-9346-f77db94ca9bf
identifier: URI/urn:oid:,
/urn:uuid: Current
docStatus: Final
type: Discharge Summary
category: Discharge Summary
date: 2019-02-08 10:02:00+1000
author: Practitioner George Freeman (official)
custodian: Organization My Health Record system operator
ContentType Language Url Size Hash Title application/zip en-AU 7064 fdf2e3065cccb6ae93d9f2de7b4b89872063b963
Discharge Summary Generated Narrative: Practitioner #12c2dffd-1b42-47fe-a1a9-5cd207ae9b96
identifier: HPI-I/8003619900015717
name: George Freeman (Official)
Generated Narrative: Organization #7d2449eb-78ec-47e5-a2ac-f1f3fcf06ebc
identifier: PAI-O/8003640001000036
name: My Health Record system operator
Entry 7 - fullUrl = urn:uuid:52b6dc65-75b3-45e8-b313-2692df2e2d05
Resource Condition:
Generated Narrative: Condition 52b6dc65-75b3-45e8-b313-2692df2e2d05
clinicalStatus: Resolved
category: Problem List Item, Principal diagnosis
code: Cholecystitis
onset: 2017-03-30
abatement: 2017-04-05
recordedDate: 2018-02-25 11:59:54+1000
note: Acute cholecystitis caused by gallstones.