My Health Record FHIR IG
1.2.0 - active Australia flag

My Health Record FHIR IG - Local Development build (v1.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Requirements: Actor Definitions

The following artifacts define the types of individuals and/or systems that will interact as part of the use cases covered by this implementation guide.

MHR Gateway Requester

The MHR Gateway Requester is a system that creates and initiates a data access request to retrieve or update information using the MHR FHIR Gateway.

MHR Gateway Responder

The MHR Gateway Responder is a system responsible for providing responses to queries submitted by MHR Gateway Requesters.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ADHA Australian Immunisation Register Notice

The purpose of this profile is to define a notice, such as an exemption record or notification of completion of an immunisation schedule, from the Australian Immunisation Register for the electronic exchange of digital health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Authoring PractitionerRole

The purpose of this profile is to define a core representation of a practitioner acting as an author or observer in a healthcare role, on behalf of an organisation, that is for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a practitioner role is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Authoring RelatedPerson

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of a related person in the role of an author or observer for exchange usage scenarios to support the electronic exchange of health information between healthcare providers, and between healthcare providers and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a related person is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core BodyStructure

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a body structure for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core Condition

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a condition for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile supports a statement of a condition, problem, or diagnosis including asserting negation for specific conditions or problems.

ADHA Core DocumentReference

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a document reference for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile supports describing a generic document that is made available to a system and is used for documents that are not authored and assembled in FHIR e.g. documents whose form is an attachment.

ADHA Core Encounter

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of an encounter for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core Flag

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a flag (e.g. warning or notification) for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core HealthcareService

The purpose of this profile is to define a core representation of a healthcare service for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information an healthcare service is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core Immunization

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of an immunization for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile supports a statement of the administration or non-administration of a vaccine.

ADHA Core Location

The purpose of this profile is to define a core representation of a location for the electronic exchange of digital health information between healthcare providers, and between healthcare providers and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a location is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core Medication

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a medication for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core MedicationRequest

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a request for the supply of a medication and the instructions for administration of that medication to a patient for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core Observation

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a generic observation for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core OperationOutcome

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of the outcome of an attempted system operation for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core Organization

The purpose of this profile is to define a core representation of an organisation for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information an organisation is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core Patient

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a patient for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile supports Cultural and Linguistic Diversity (CALD) data set, including country of birth, year of arrival and preferred language.

ADHA Core Practitioner

The purpose of this profile is to define a core representation a practitioner for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. The concept of a practitioner in this implementation guide is always within the context of a practitioner role - as the practitioner that performs the role(s). In the context of an exchange of health information a practitioner is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core PractitionerRole

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a practitioner in a role, on behalf of an organisation, for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a practitioner role is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core Procedure

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a procedure for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Core RelatedPerson

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a related person for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a related person is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information.

ADHA Core Substance

The purpose of this profile is to provide a core representation of a substance for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA GP Practice Registration Entry

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of GP practice registration information for a patient from MyMedicare for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Organ or Tissue for Donation BodyStructure

The purpose of this profile is to represent an organ or tissue that may be donated in the event of an individual’s death for the electronic exchange of organ donation as recorded on the Australian Organ Donor Register between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA PBS Claim Item

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of the prescription item claimed in a claim against the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) or Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Patient Emergency Contact

The purpose of this profile is to support the exchange of patient emergency contact information between My Health App and My Health Record.

ADHA Payload Bundle

The purpose of this profile is to provide a collection of resources handled as a single collection for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Record of Claim against MBS or DVA

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of a record of a claim against the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) for the electronic exchange of digital health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Record of Claim against PBS or RPBS

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of a record of a claim against the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) or Repatriation Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (RPBS) for the electronic exchange of digital health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Record of Consent from Australian Organ Donor Register

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of a record of organ and tissue donation decision held by the Australian Organ Donor Register for the electronic exchange of digital health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA Record of Immunisation from Australian Immunisation Register

The purpose of this profile is to represent a record of immunisation held by the Australian Immunisation Register for the electronic exchange of digital health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia.

ADHA System Device

The purpose of this profile is to define a representation of a device as a system in the role of an author or exchange target or source for exchange usage scenarios to support the electronic exchange of health information between healthcare providers, and between healthcare providers and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. In the context of an exchange of health information a system device is part of the context established for a set of healthcare-related information or it forms part of a target or source for the exchange.

MHR DocumentReference

The purpose of this profile is to provide a representation of a document reference for CDA documents in My Health Record. This profile supports describing a document that is made available to a system and is used for documents that are not authored and assembled in FHIR e.g. documents whose form is an attachment. This profile is derived from the DocumentReference resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View AllergyIntolerance

The purpose of this profile is to support a consolidated view of allergies or intolerance in a patient's My Health Record. It is based on the AU Core AllergyIntolerance profile and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Condition

The purpose of this profile is to support a consolidated view of medical conditions and past medical history contained in a patient's My Health Record. This profile is derived from the AU Core Condition profile and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Document Bundle

The purpose of this profile is to provide a collection of resources handled as a document to support a consolidated view of medical conditions and past medical history contained in a patient’s My Health Record. This profile is derived from the Bundle resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Document Composition

The purpose of this profile is to provide a document composition for the Medical Conditions View. This profile is derived from the Composition resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Explanation of Benefit

The purpose of this profile is to support an explanation of benefit for consolidated view of medical conditions and past medical history contained in a patient's My Health Record. This profile is derived from the ExplanationOfBenefit resource and identifies the data structures and obligations that must be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Flag

The purpose of this profile is to provide a representation of a flag (e.g. warning or notification) for the Medical Conditions View for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile is derived from the Flag resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Observation

The purpose of this profile is to support a consolidated view of medical conditions and past medical history contained in a patient's My Health Record, that cannot be categorised as Conditions or Procedures. This profile is derived from the Observation resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Procedure

The purpose of this profile is to provide a Medical Conditions View representation of a procedure for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. It is a profile of the Condition resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile. This profile is derived from the Provenance resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Medical Conditions View Provenance

The purpose of this profile is to provide a representation of a provenance for the Medical Conditions View for the electronic exchange of health information between individuals, healthcare providers, and the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile is derived from the Provenance resource and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

MHR Patient

The purpose of this profile is to provide a representation of a patient for exchange usage scenarios with the My Health Record system infrastructure in Australia. This profile is derived from the AU Core Patient profile and describes the data structures and obligations to be met when conforming to this profile.

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ADHA Date of Initial Registration

This extension applies to any resource and represents the date an individual first registered, for example in the context of an organ donor register this date is not updated if a consent decision or provision is changed.

ADHA My Health Record Special Processing

This extension applies to elements and indicates that My Health Record special processing is relevant. The nature of special processing is indicated by the value.

MHR AllergyIntolerance Detailed Type

This extension applies to the AllergyIntolerance resource and is used to represent the detailed type of allergy or intolerance.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ADHA My Health Record Special Processing ValueSet

The ADHA My Health Record Special Processing value set includes values that indicate a My Health Record special use of an element.

Emergency Contact Type ValueSet

The Emergency Contact Type ValueSet includes values that identify the type of emergency contact.

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

ADHA My Health Record Special Processing

The ADHA My Health Record Special Processing code system defines values that indicate a My Health Record special use of an element.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

A cholecystectomy procedure

A cholecystectomy procedure



Administration of Moderna Spikevax dose 3 for Ms. Sally Field 14 February 2022

Administration of Moderna Spikevax dose 3 for Ms. Sally Field 14 February 2022

Administration of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 1 for Ms. Sally Field 17 June 2021

Administration of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 1 for Ms. Sally Field 17 June 2021

Administration of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 2 for Ms. Sally Field 01 August 2021

Administration of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 2 for Ms. Sally Field 01 August 2021

Aldara 5% cream

Aldara 5% cream

Algregster Medical Centre

Algregster Medical Centre

Algregster Medical Centre

Algregster Medical Centre

Amiodarone 200mg tab

Amiodarone 200mg tab

Amoxicillin 875 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg tablet, Augmentin Duo Forte

Amoxicillin 875 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg tablet, Augmentin Duo Forte

Amoxicillin 875 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg tablet, Augmentin Duo Forte (form + ingredient)

Amoxicillin 875 mg + clavulanic acid 125 mg tablet, Augmentin Duo Forte (form + ingredient)

Annual check up for Ms. Sally FIELD (2022)

Annual check up for Ms. Sally FIELD (2022)

Australian Digital Health Agency

Australian Digital Health Agency as an Organization

Australian Government Department of Health

Australian Government Department of Health as an Organization

Australian Immunisation Register COVID-19 Immunisation Status

Australian Immunisation Register COVID-19 Immunisation Status

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Medical contraindication

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Medical contraindication

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Medical contraindication

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Medical contraindication - Flag example

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Natural immunity

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Natural immunity

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Natural immunity

Australian Immunisation Register notice: Natural immunity

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Not willing to be a donor

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Not willing to be a donor

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Willing to be a donor, donate all

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Willing to be a donor, donate all

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Willing to be a donor, donate specific tissue / organ

Australian Organ Donor Register Consent - Willing to be a donor, donate specific tissue / organ

Average Canberra Medical Centre

Average Canberra Medical Centre

Average Canberra Medical Centre

Average Canberra Medical Centre

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (fully coded medication information: brand name, generic name, item form and strength)

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (fully coded medication information: brand name, generic name, item form and strength)

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (partially coded medication information)

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (partially coded medication information)

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (text only incl brand and generic name)

Benpen 3 g powder for injection, 1 vial (text only incl brand and generic name)

Benzylpenicillin 3 g injection, 1 vial (fully coded medication information: generic name, item form and strength)

Benzylpenicillin 3 g injection, 1 vial (fully coded medication information: generic name, item form and strength)

Bert Gainey (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Bert Gainey (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Billy Tjakamarra (My Health Record Patient)

Billy Tjakamarra (My Health Record Patient)

Birdsville Hospital

Birdsville Hospital as an Organization

Bisoprolol 2.5mg tab

Bisoprolol 2.5mg tab

Bondi GP Medical Centre NSW

Bondi GP Medical Centre NSW

Bone structure

Bone structure

Bone structure as part of aodr-02

Bone structure as part of aodr-02

Brady FRAZIER (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus date accuracy indicator)

Brady FRAZIER (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus date accuracy indicator)

Building of Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney Randwick

Building of Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney Randwick

Building of Metropolitan Pathology QLD DOOMBEN

Building of Metropolitan Pathology QLD DOOMBEN

Bundle for VPR

Bundle for VPR

Bundle from Medicare Repository to MHR system of the set of resources that make up the AIR for Patient Sally FIELD

Bundle from Medicare Repository to MHR system of the set of resources that make up the AIR for Patient Sally FIELD

Bundle from Medicare Repository to MHR system of the set of resources that make up the AIR for Patient with IHI 8003608000216028

Bundle from Medicare Repository to MHR system of the set of resources that make up the AIR for Patient with IHI 8003608000216028

Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment

Chloramphenicol 1% eye ointment

Chlorsig Chloramphenicol 1% eye drop

Chlorsig Chloramphenicol 1% eye drop

Clarithromycin 500mg Tablet (form + ingredient)

Clarithromycin 500mg Tablet (form + ingredient)

Cleo Moss Esq. (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus telecom and living in TAS)

Cleo Moss Esq. (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus telecom and living in TAS)

CoQ10 150mg tab

CoQ10 150mg tab

Community pharmacy medicine review for Mac PRIEST (2018)

Community pharmacy medicine review for Mac PRIEST (2018) example 1

Community pharmacy medicine review for Mac PRIEST (2018)

Community pharmacy medicine review for Mac PRIEST (2018) example 2

Condition (EDS)

A maximal example of a Condition resource containing information from a Discharge Summary

Condition (EVS)

A maximal example of an Observation resource containing information from an Event Summary

Condition (SHS)

A minimal example of a Condition resource containing information from a Shared Health Summary





Dental Therapist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Dental Therapist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Dietitian (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Dietitian (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Discharge Summary document reference

An example of a document reference containing the location of a Discharge Summary

Dr Sarah Bondiali, GP, at Bondi GP Medical Center

Dr Sarah Bondiali, GP, at Bondi GP Medical Center example 1

Dr Sarah Bondiali, GP, at Bondi GP Medical Center

Dr Sarah Bondiali, GP, at Bondi GP Medical Center example 2

Dr Sonia Strempel

Dr Sonia Strempel

Dr Sonia Strempel, General practitioner registrar, at Top End Medical Clinic

Dr Sonia Strempel, General practitioner registrar, at Top End Medical Clinic

Dr. Adam Meyer

Dr. Adam Meyer

Dr. Adam Meyer, Microbiologist, at Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Dr. Adam Meyer, Microbiologist, at Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Dr. Elenore Sallow

Dr. Elenore Sallow

Dr. George David, Oncologist, at Fred Hope Centre NSW

Dr. George David, Oncologist, at Fred Hope Centre NSW

Dr. George Freeman

General Practitioner - Dr. George Freeman as a Practitioner

Dr. George Freeman, GP, at Mackay Family Medicine Clinic

Dr. George Freeman, GP, at Mackay Family Medicine Clinic as a PractitionerRole

Dr. Greg Algrester

Dr. Greg Algrester

Dr. Greg Algrester, GP, at Algregster Medical Centre

Dr. Greg Algrester, GP, at Algregster Medical Centre

Dr. Helpman Barry

Dr. Helpman Barry

Dr. Michelle Chong

Dr. Michelle Chong

Dr. Michelle Chong, Oncologist, at Metropolitan Cancer Centre Group

Dr. Michelle Chong, Oncologist, at Metropolitan Cancer Centre Group

Dr. Patricia Tulio

Dr. Patricia Tulio

Dr. Patricia Tulio, Pathologist, at Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Dr. Patricia Tulio, Pathologist, at Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Dr. Represetative Practitioner

Dr. Represetative Practitioner example 2

Dr. Represetative Practitioner

Dr. Represetative Practitioner example 1

Dr. Represetative Practitioner, GP, at Average Canberra Medical Centre

Dr. Represetative Practitioner, GP, at Average Canberra Medical Centre

Dr. Robert Brown

Dr. Robert Brown

Dr. Robert Brown, Haematologist, Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Dr. Robert Brown, Haematologist, Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Dressing of wound for Billy Tjakamarra - Nail wound of sole of foot encounter (2017)

Dressing of wound for Billy Tjakamarra - Nail wound of sole of foot encounter (2017)

Esomeprazole 20mg Tablet (code + form + ingredient)

Esomeprazole 20mg Tablet (code + form + ingredient)

Eye structure

Fisrt example for eye structure

Fancy Building of Average Canberra Medical Centre

Fancy Building of Average Canberra Medical Centre

Ferro-Grad C

Ferro-Grad C

Fluconazole (text + form + ingredient)

Fluconazole (text + form + ingredient)

Follow-Up Encounter for Mr Zhang Wei (2020)

Follow-Up Encounter for Mr Zhang Wei (2020)

Friends Pharmacy - QLD Hospital - Suite 14, Building 31 of QLD Hospital

Friends Pharmacy - QLD Hospital - Suite 14, Building 31 of QLD Hospital

Friends Pharmacy QLD Hospital

Friends Pharmacy QLD Hospital

Gertie KEATON (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus language spoken)

Gertie KEATON (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus language spoken)

Gertie KEATON, Dentist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Gertie KEATON, Dentist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Gregory Tindal Building of Algregster Medical Centre

Gregory Tindal Building of Algregster Medical Centre

Head Circumference of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Head Circumference of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Head Circumference of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

Head Circumference of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

Heart valve structure

Heart valve structure example 1

Heart valve structure

Heart valve structure example 2



Inpatient Pharmacy QLD Hospital

Inpatient Pharmacy QLD Hospital

Jurisdiction of Australia

Jurisdiction of Australia

Kidney structure

Kidney structure example 1

Kidney structure

Kidney structure example 2

LARCSG Care Bondi Junction NSW

LARCSG Care Bondi Junction NSW

LARCSG Care Randwick Home for the Aged 120011

LARCSG Care Randwick Home for the Aged 120011

LARCSG Care Randwick NSW

LARCSG Care Randwick NSW

LARCSG Care Sunnybank Home for the Aged 130011

LARCSG Care Sunnybank Home for the Aged 130011

LARCSG Care Sunnybank QLD

LARCSG Care Sunnybank QLD

LARCSG Care Toowong QLD

LARCSG Care Toowong QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited

Large Allied Chemists Limited

Large Allied Chemists Limited Bondi Junction NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Bondi Junction NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Head Office

Large Allied Chemists Limited Head Office

Large Allied Chemists Limited Randwick NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Randwick NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Randwick NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Randwick NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Sunnybank QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Sunnybank QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Sunnybank QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Sunnybank QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Tamworth NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Tamworth NSW

Large Allied Chemists Limited Toowong QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Toowong QLD example 1

Large Allied Chemists Limited Toowoomba QLD

Large Allied Chemists Limited Toowoomba QLD example 2

Large Residential Aged Care Services Group Limited

Large Residential Aged Care Services Group Limited

Larry Lobster

Lobster Larry - (indigenous status, IHI, unknown DoB, address)

Left Knee of Cleo Moss Esq.

Left Knee of Cleo Moss Esq.

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 10 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 10 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 10 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 10 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

Length of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

Liver structure

Liver structure example 1

Liver structure

Liver structure example 2

Lung structure

Lung structure example 1

Lung structure

Lung structure example 2

Mac Priest (Vendor Environment HI Test)

Mac Priest (Vendor Environment HI Test)

Medical Conditions View bundle

An example of a bundle containing the Medical Conditions View

Medical Conditions View document composition

An example of a document composition describing the Medical Conditions View

Medical Regional Medical Centre

Medical Regional Medical Centre

Medicare Australia repository services operator

Medicare Australia repository services operator

Medicare repository service

Medicare repository service

Medium Sized Medical Clinic

Medium Sized Medical Clinic

Metadata for Australian Immunisation Register record.identifier 475db616-dfd5-43f3-b935-9f582233a38d

Metadata for Australian Immunisation Register record.identifier 475db616-dfd5-43f3-b935-9f582233a38d

Metadata for Medicare Benefits Report record.identifier 79a8b5a5-1631-4eec-b031-815156c9a47b (mbs-02)

Metadata for Medicare Benefits Report record.identifier 79a8b5a5-1631-4eec-b031-815156c9a47b (mbs-02)

Metadata for Medicare Benefits Report record.identifier a7b64195-3553-4708-957e-04d571c7db92 (mbs-01)

Metadata for Medicare Benefits Report record.identifier a7b64195-3553-4708-957e-04d571c7db92 (mbs-01)

Metadata for Pharmaceutical Benefits Report record.identifier 296dcbd7-d763-4ecf-aa78-523bcc11ecda (pbs-01)

Metadata for Pharmaceutical Benefits Report record.identifier 296dcbd7-d763-4ecf-aa78-523bcc11ecda (pbs-01)

Metadata for Pharmaceutical Benefits Report record.identifier 73f7a30b-add3-4673-a4e9-65b0d8670a36 (pbs-02)

Metadata for Pharmaceutical Benefits Report record.identifier 73f7a30b-add3-4673-a4e9-65b0d8670a36 (pbs-02)

Metformin 500mg tablet, Sandoz

Metformin 500mg tablet, Sandoz

Metropolitan Cancer Centre Group

Metropolitan Cancer Centre Group

Metropolitan Eye Test Clinic

Metropolitan Eye Test Clinic

Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Metropolitan Laboratories Sydney

Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Metropolitan Pathology QLD

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Head Office

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Head Office

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital - Radiology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group NSW Hospital - Radiology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group QLD Hospital

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group QLD Hospital

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group QLD Hospital - Radiology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group QLD Hospital - Radiology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerong NSW - Endocrinology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerong NSW - Endocrinology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerong NSW - Paediatric endocrinology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerong NSW - Paediatric endocrinology services

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerongpilly NSW

Metropolitan Specialist Services Group Yerongpilly NSW

Mr Lenny Matterson (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus indigenous status, telecom, language)

Mr Lenny Matterson (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus indigenous status, telecom, language)

Mr Mike Broadway

Mr Mike Broadway (indigenous status, IHI, telecom)

Mr Zhang Wei (My Health Record Patient)

Mr Zhang Wei (My Health Record Patient)

Mr Zhang Wei (P2P)

Mr Zhang Wei (P2P)

Mr. Bob SMITH - father of Mr. Oliver SMITH

Mr. Bob SMITH - father of Mr. Oliver SMITH

Mr. Daniel CRAIG (My Health Record Patient)

Mr. Daniel CRAIG (My Health Record Patient)

Mr. Daniel CRAIG (My Health Record Patient)

Mr. Daniel CRAIG (My Health Record Patient)

Mr. Oliver SMITH (My Health Record Patient) (Child)

Mr. Oliver SMITH (My Health Record Patient) (Child)

Mr. Oliver SMITH - child of Ms. Sally FIELD

Mr. Oliver SMITH - child of Ms. Sally FIELD

Mr. Representative Pharmacist

Mr. Representative Pharmacist

Mr. Representative Pharmacist, Pharmacist, at Test Org -DigitalHealth 6

Mr. Representative Pharmacist, Pharmacist, at Test Org -DigitalHealth 6

Mr. Smith Bob Trevor

Mr. Smith Bob Trevor

Mr. Zane Sinclair (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Mr. Zane Sinclair (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Mr. Zane Sinclair (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Mr. Zane Sinclair (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Mrs. Anne Thompson (My Health Record Patient)

Mrs. Anne Thompson (My Health Record Patient)

Mrs. Anne Thompson (P2P)

Mrs. Anne Thompson (P2P)

Mrs. Bonny Goodwin (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus marital status)

Mrs. Bonny Goodwin (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus marital status)

Mrs. Rosalia SMITH - stepmother of Mr. Oliver SMITH

Mrs. Rosalia SMITH - stepmother of Mr. Oliver SMITH

Ms Lily Zhu

Ms Lily Zhu (IHI, MRN, No indigenous status, No telecom, No Fixed Address (NSW))

Ms. Sally FIELD (My Health Record Patient)

Ms. Sally FIELD (My Health Record Patient)

Ms. Sally FIELD - mother of Mr. Oliver SMITH

Ms. Sally FIELD - mother of Mr. Oliver SMITH



My Health Record system

My Health Record system

My Health Record system operator

My Health Record system operator as an Organization

MyMedicare functional error

Operation Outcome example for MyMedicare functional error

NSW Hospital

NSW Hospital

NSW Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, Phone, Website, Address)

NSW Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, Phone, Website, Address)

NSW Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, Phone, Website, Address)

NSW Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, Phone, Website, Address)

Nail wound of sole of foot for Billy Tjakamarra (2017)

Nail wound of sole of foot for Billy Tjakamarra (2017)

Nail wound of sole of foot for Billy Tjakamarra - Nail wound of sole of foot encounter (2017)

Nail wound of sole of foot for Billy Tjakamarra - Nail wound of sole of foot encounter (2017)

Nexium Hp7 (14 x Nexium tablets, 28 x Amoxil capsules, 14 x Klacid tablets), 1 pack

Nexium Hp7 (14 x Nexium tablets, 28 x Amoxil capsules, 14 x Klacid tablets), 1 pack

Nexium Hp7 (14 x Nexium tablets, 28 x Amoxil capsules, 14 x Klacid tablets), 1 pack: multiple codings

Nexium Hp7 (14 x Nexium tablets, 28 x Amoxil capsules, 14 x Klacid tablets), 1 pack: multiple codings

No Current Medications example 1

No Current Medications example 1

No Medications History

No Medications History

Norvasc tablet (form + ingredient)

Norvasc tablet (form + ingredient)

PBS claim item for cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field (pbs-01)

PBS claim item for cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field (pbs-01)

PBS claim item for cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field (pbs-02)

PBS claim item for cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field (pbs-02)

Panadol Osteo Paracetamol 665 mg modified release tablet

Panadol Osteo Paracetamol 665 mg modified release tablet

Pancreatic structure

Pancreatic structure example 1

Pancreatic structure

Pancreatic structure example 2

Paracetamol 500 mg tablet

Paracetamol 500 mg tablet

Paracetamol 500mg (100) (form)

Paracetamol 500mg (100) (form)

Patient Home

Patient Home

Patient contact that is not an emergency contact

Patient contact that is not an emergency contact

Patient emergency contact

Patient emergency contact

Patient emergency contact is a carer

Patient emergency contact is a carer

Patient emergency contact is a next of kin

Patient emergency contact is a next of kin

Patient not registered for MyMedicare

Operation Outcome example for Patient not registered for MyMedicare

Patient with multiple emergency contacts

Patient with multiple emergency contacts

Patient's registered GP practice

Patient's registered GP practice

Patient's registered GP practice and practitioner name

Patient's registered GP practice and practitioner name

Payload Bundle of Australian Immunisation Register for Patient Sally FIELD generated by MHR system (28 MARCH 2022)

Payload Bundle of Australian Immunisation Register for Patient Sally FIELD generated by MHR system (28 MARCH 2022)

Peanut allergy

Peanut allergy as an example of an AllergyIntolerance

Pharmacy - QLD Hospital - Building 31 of QLD Hospital

Pharmacy - QLD Hospital - Building 31 of QLD Hospital

Pharmacy Building of Test Org -DigitalHealth 6

Pharmacy Building of Test Org -DigitalHealth 6

Phoebe KIRKLAND (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus language spoken)

Phoebe KIRKLAND (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus language spoken)

Provider's Office of Test Org -DigitalHealth 5

Provider's Office of Test Org -DigitalHealth 5

QLD Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, alias, Phone, Address)

QLD Hospital (ABN, HPI-O, SNOMED CT + V3 type, alias, Phone, Address)

QLD Hospital Pharmacy for immunsation

QLD Hospital Pharmacy for immunsation

Queensland hospital

Queensland hospital

R4 conversion of MDS test data cb7921cb-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data cb7921cb-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data cb7921cb-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data cb7921cb-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data 9b28d09f-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data 9b28d09f-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data 9b28d09f-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data 9b28d09f-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data d46a4133-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data d46a4133-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data d46a4133-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of MDS test data d46a4133-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 conversion of STU3 MBS MDS test data (missing data asserted with data absent extension)

R4 conversion of STU3 MBS MDS test data (missing data asserted with data absent extension)

R4 conversion of STU3 PBS MDS test data (missing data asserted with data absent extension)

R4 conversion of STU3 PBS MDS test data (missing data asserted with data absent extension)

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Bone structure as part of aodr-02

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Bone structure as part of aodr-02

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Eye structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Eye structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Heart valve structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Heart valve structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Kidney structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Kidney structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Liver structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Liver structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Lung structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Lung structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Pancreatic structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Pancreatic structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Skin structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Skin structure

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Structure of heart

R4 transform of the MDS test data a008d446-ba17-11ec-833a-b1763b0a7715: Structure of heart

RAMIPRIL(TAB) 2.5 mg, Tritace (text only)

RAMIPRIL(TAB) 2.5 mg, Tritace (text only)

Record of Claim against MBS for 30185 removal of palmar or plantar warts for Ms. Sally Field

Record of Claim against MBS for 30185 removal of palmar or plantar warts for Ms. Sally Field

Record of Claim against MBS for 30185 removal of plantar warts for Mr. Mike Broadway

Record of Claim against MBS for 30185 removal of plantar warts for Mr. Mike Broadway - as an example of an ExplanationOfBenefit

Record of Claim against MBS for 30191 removal of palmar or plantar warts for Ms. Sally Field

Record of Claim against MBS for 30191 removal of palmar or plantar warts for Ms. Sally Field

Record of Claim against PBS for 03119E cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field 16 FEB 2020

Record of Claim against PBS for 03119E cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field 16 FEB 2020 example 1

Record of Claim against PBS for 03119E cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field 16 FEB 2020

Record of Claim against PBS for 03119E cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20 for Ms. Sally Field 16 FEB 2020 example 2

Record of Engerix-B (paediatric) at birth for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Engerix-B (paediatric) at birth for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 18 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 18 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 2 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 2 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 4 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 4 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 4 years for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 4 years for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 6 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Infanrix Hexa at 6 months for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Moderna Spikevax dose 3 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Moderna Spikevax dose 3 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Panvax in 2019 for Patient with IHI 8003608000216028

Record of Panvax in 2019 for Patient with IHI 8003608000216028

Record of Panvax in 2020 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Panvax in 2020 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Panvax in 2021 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR (dose number with data absent extension)

Record of Panvax in 2021 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR (dose number with data absent extension)

Record of Panvax in 2022 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Panvax in 2022 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 1 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 1 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 2 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Record of Pfizer Comirnaty dose 2 for Ms. Sally Field from AIR

Right Knee of Cleo Moss Esq.

Right Knee of Cleo Moss Esq.

Rosalia SMITH (My Health Record Patient)

Rosalia SMITH (My Health Record Patient)

Russ BARTON (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Russ BARTON (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Russ BARTON, Diversional Therapist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Russ BARTON, Diversional Therapist (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Second example for eye structure

Second example for eye structure

Services Australia

Services Australia

Sevredol Morphine sulfate pentahydrate

Sevredol Morphine sulfate pentahydrate

Site of Test Org -DigitalHealth 1

Site of Test Org -DigitalHealth 1

Skin structure

Skin structure exam,example 1

Skin structure

Skin structure exam,example 2

Small Medical Centre

Small Medical Centre

Stribild - tablet

Stribild - tablet

Structure of heart

Structure of heart example 1

Structure of heart

Structure of heart example 2

Sulfonamide allergy

A Sulfonamide allergy as an example of an AllergyIntolerance

Tasmanian Family Medicine Clinic

Tasmanian Family Medicine Clinic

Technical error

Operation Outcome example for Technical error

Territory Medical Centre

Territory Medical Centre

Territory Medical Centre

Territory Medical Centre

Territory Medical Centre 0810

Territory Medical Centre 0810

Test Org -DigitalHealth 1 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 1 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 1 Residential Aged Care Service FREMANTLE

Test Org -DigitalHealth 1 Residential Aged Care Service FREMANTLE

Test Org -DigitalHealth 2 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus alias)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 2 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus alias)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 3 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 3 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 3 Physiotherapy

Test Org -DigitalHealth 3 Physiotherapy

Test Org -DigitalHealth 4 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus aliases)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 4 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus aliases)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 4 Optical

Test Org -DigitalHealth 4 Optical

Test Org -DigitalHealth 5 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 5 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data plus email)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 5 Dental

Test Org -DigitalHealth 5 Dental

Test Org -DigitalHealth 6 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 6 (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Test Org -DigitalHealth 6 Pharmacy

Test Org -DigitalHealth 6 Pharmacy

The provenance of a cholecystectomy procedure

Provenance for a cholecystectomy procedure

Theodore GUTHRIDGE (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Theodore GUTHRIDGE (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Theodore GUTHRIDGE, Mothercraft Nurse (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Theodore GUTHRIDGE, Mothercraft Nurse (Vendor Environment HI Test Data)

Top End Medical Clinic

Top End Medical Clinic

Top End Medical Clinic

Top End Medical Clinic

Urinary tract infection for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Urinary tract infection for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Urine culture - E. coli for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Urine culture - E. coli for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Urine specimen for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Urine specimen for Mr Zhang Wei - follow up encounter (2020)

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 10 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 10 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by GP at 6 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 10 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 10 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

Weight of Mr. Oliver Smith recorded by Mother at 6 months

cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20

cephalexin 500 mg capsule, 20

perindopril arginine 10 mg + amLODIPIne 10 mg – tablet

perindopril arginine 10 mg + amLODIPIne 10 mg – tablet