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Will there be funding for software developers and providers to support ACCIS Standards adoption and implementation?

The ACCIS Standards are a collection of standards that are already in the digital health landscape. It is possible that your system already incorporates some or all of the ACCIS Standards or the ACCIS Standards are already on your product roadmap. If this is the case then your system will meet the ACCIS Standards without the need for funding. 

Will the ACCIS Standards be mandated/regulated? 

The ACCIS Standards outlines recommended minimum software requirements for CIS and EMM used in residential aged care homes. These are recommended minimum requirements and not mandated or regulated. 

Why do we need to implement these standards?

Digital Health Standards create consistency and compatibility, support a single source of truth, and enable interoperability. The ACCIS Standards will enable sharing of data and information about people receiving care between aged care providers and practitioners. 

Is the ACCIS Standards implementation at a national level or is there state by state detail provided? 

The ACCIS Standards have been agreed at a Federal Government level and recommended in Procurement Guidelines.

When will the ACCIS Standards need to be implemented by? 

There is currently no timeline. The Agency will continue to work with the aged care sector to support implementation. You can view more information on the Agency website.

Will the ACCIS Standards be updated with changes? and if so at what frequency? 

The ACCIS Standards will be reviewed periodically and if necessary, updated in line with any changes in software or legislation. 

Will there be further assistance in procurement of digital systems that meet the ACCIS Standards? Recommendations etc?

The Agency is currently creating digital health procurement guidelines, which will look at the requirements for systems across the digital health landscape and how these systems interoperate with one another. The guidelines will include aged care specific systems.

Has the aged care sector been consulted about the ACCIS Standards?

Webinars were held over 2023 and 2024 to ensure the aged care sector had the opportunity to input into the development of the ACCIS Standards. Targeted focus groups were held with software developers to ensure the recommended minimum software requirements and list of technical standards were supported by the sector. 

Will implementation of the ACCIS Standards be incentivised? 

The implementation is not mandatory or incentivised, but for interoperability to work throughout the aged care sector, adoption is strongly recommended.