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My Health Record is a secure online summary of an individual’s health information and is available to all Australians. Healthcare providers authorised by their healthcare organisation can access My Health Record to view and add patient health information.

The My Health Record National Provider Portal (NPP) is a portal which can be accessed by healthcare providers using a browser to view their patients’ My Health Records. A healthcare provider might use the NPP if they do not use a Clinical Information System (CIS) that has integrated My Health Record functionality.

If your organisation develops software for healthcare providers and you wish to integrate My Health Record viewing capability with minimal initial and ongoing development, then the CIS to NPP mechanism may be right for you. The CIS to NPP functionality embeds the NPP within a Browser Control (or similar element) within your software. You will be able to use patient information from your software to search their My Health Record, simplifying access for users. The NPP is a web-based portal which will provide ongoing updates to My Health Record viewing functionality and experience over time. There are several current limitations to the NPP to consider before opting for NPP access over B2B integration with My Health Record.

You are able to connect your software via both B2B and CIS to NPP, allowing the advanced upload functionality and atomic data integration which B2B has to offer, while providing the viewing capability of the NPP via CIS to NPP.

CIS to NPP limitations

If your customers will be using the NPP via a browser or via your software’s CIS to NPP interface;

If you are seeking the advanced features of the My Health Record system such as uploading clinical content and retrieving atomic clinical data, you must integrate with the My Health Record Business to Business (B2B) interface, which provides the full capabilities of the My Health Record system.

Developer guides


CIS to NPP v1.0

This product assists software vendors with implementing the Clinical Information System to National Provider Portal (CIS to NPP) interface implementation. The NPP is a web portal that allows provider-only access to a consumer’s My Health Record. It is important to understand that this portal has a small number of features that are not available…