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The following steps will assist software developers who wish to build products that support electronic prescribing.

The Agency offers a range of support services including consultative support and scheduled information sessions. If you require any support to understand the Agency’s conformance requirements or other technical specifications please contact [email protected].

Step 1: Gain HI Service conformance

Conformance to the Healthcare Identifier Service (HI) is a prerequisite for prescribing and dispensing systems to participate in electronic prescribing. If your product is not conformant with the HI Service, please develop this capability first. For instructions please go to the following page: 

If your product is already HI Service conformant please proceed to step 2. 

Step 2: Learn how Electronic Prescribing works

To gain an understanding of how electronic prescribing works, read the Electronic Prescribing Technical Framework documents located here:

The Conformance Test Specification is located here:

Once you have read these documents, proceed to step 3. 

Step 3: Identify your product type

Determine the functions your product will perform in the electronic prescribing process and if your product will need to connect to the National Prescription Delivery Service (NPDS) to enable end-to-end electronic prescription transactions.

To access capabilities provided in an Active Script List you will need to connect to the National PDS, this functionality is not available in a direct PDS model.

National Prescription Delivery Service Model v1

Most prescribing and dispensing CIS products will connect to the NPDS.

Hospital CIS solutions may provide their own direct PDS solution.

You will need to complete the conformance process with the National Prescription Delivery Service (NPDS) and the Agency. The process will vary depending on the type of product you are developing. The average time required to complete the process with the Agency is currently 20 business days. This is in addition to the time required to develop your product, conduct your testing and self-assessment, and complete the observed testing session with the NPDS. An overview of the process steps, who performs each step, and the average time taken to complete is shown in the diagram.

Conformance process timeline

Conducted by Prescription Delivery Service (PDS)

Contact PDS provider to confirm timeframe.

2 to 4 business days

3 to 5 business days

1 to 2 business days

The Agency will advise PDS (and other relevant infrastructure operators) and Services Australia of conformance outcome. Conformance outcome registered in PBS online systems.

3 to 5 business days

Conducted by Prescription Delivery Service (PDS)

The Agency will also publish the updated conformance register on its website to conclude the conformance process.

3 to 5 business days

For detailed information on the conformance process for your product type, please select the relevant option:

No items created.No items created.No items created.No items created.No items created.

Developer guides

Electronic Prescribing - CIS to NPDS or ASLR

The following steps will assist prescribing and dispensing Clinical Information System (CIS) software developers connect to the National Prescription Delivery Service (NPDS) and declare software conformance with the Agency’s Electronic Prescribing technical framework.

Electronic Prescribing - NPDS and ASLR

The following steps will assist software developers who provide National Prescription Delivery Service (NPDS) and/or Active Script List Registry capabilities to declare software conformance with the Agency’s Electronic Prescribing technical framework.

Electronic Prescribing - CIS with a Direct PDS

The following steps will assist Clinical Information System (CIS) software developers with a direct Prescription Delivery Service (PDS), declare software conformance with the Agency’s Electronic Prescribing technical framework.

NASH SHA-2 Certificates - Developer Guide

This Developer Guide is for the use of developers whose products connect to the Healthcare Identifiers (HI) Service, My Health Record, Electronic Prescribing and Secure Messaging with a National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) PKI Certificate.


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