Advance care documents let individuals make choices about their future medical treatment. Details and documentation on advance care are included in the My Health Record system for increased accessibility.
The following resources have been designed to guide developers in creating solutions that consider documentation related to a consumer’s advance care requests.
Advance Care Document Custodian v1.1.1
Advance care planning is a voluntary process of planning for future health and personal care whereby the consumer’s values, beliefs and preferences are made known to guide decision-making at a future time when that consumer cannot make or communicate their decisions. Advance care planning may result in a consumer recording their preferences and…
Advance Care Planning v1.1.1
Advance care planning is a voluntary process of planning for future health and personal care whereby the consumer’s values, beliefs and preferences are made known to guide decision-making at a future time when that consumer cannot make or communicate their decisions. Advance care planning may result in a consumer recording their preferences and…
Goals of Care v1.0.1
The Goals of Care clinical document type is used to capture advance care information in alignment with Western Australia’s Goals of Patient Care Summary documents. Goals of Care documents represent a sub-type of Advance Care Planning documents. Goals of Care documents can include a statement related to a person’s care in the context of a…