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The Australian Digital Health Agency (the Agency) has published a series of Electronic Prescribing (EP) Conformance Profiles (CP) with incremental increases in functionality.

The latest Conformance Profile v3.0.1 came into effect on 1 January 2023 and is the version that caters for all features of Electronic Prescribing conformance and removes all previously granted temporary exceptions. In response to feedback received from Industry and in recognition of the current state of development progress, the Agency has extended the sunset dates for Electronic Prescribing conformance profiles:

Electronic Prescribing Conformance ProfileOld sunset dateNew sunset date
vFT1.0 & vFT1.130 June 20231 December 2023
v2.2.1 31 March 202430 September 2024
Electronic Prescribing Connecting Systems Conformance Profile v2.324 November 202330 June 2025
Electronic Prescribing Prescription Delivery Services and Active Script List Registry Services Conformance Profile v2.3NA31 January 2024

It is intended that the extension of time will allow for prescribing and dispensing systems to attain conformance to CPv3.0.1 and to transition their client base to a CPv3.0.1 conformant version of their software. 

In preparation for achieving conformance to Electronic Prescribing Conformance Profile v.3.0.1 (CPv3.0.1), the following resources have been developed to assist you as you uplift your software product and undertake the conformance process:

The Agency reminds all software developers that conformance to existing Healthcare Identifier service test cases is required. To achieve this, you will be required to submit an Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) v4.1, which will ensure that your software product meets the following criteria:

  1. Either meet the requirements of use case UC.330 (prescribing system) or use case UC.325 (dispensing system) depending on your software’s functionality. 
  2. Meet the requirements of 022000 for IHI matching, as covered in use cases 10 and 15. Please see dot point 2 under the HI Service FAQs for further information. 
  3. Ensure you are conformant to the latest Electronic Prescribing Conformance Profile, or have plans to become conformant in line with the sunset dates communicated in this notice. 

To support vendors in implementing electronic prescribing functionality, the Agency has extended the CPv2.2.1 sunset date by six months to 30 September 2024. The decision to extend the sunset date was made with acknowledgement and consideration of the varying business priorities currently faced by the medical software community; we thank you for your participation and collaboration in sharing challenges imposed by the sunsetting of CPv2.2.1.

If you would like to discuss electronic prescribing generally, please contact our support team at: email or call 1300 901 001.