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The Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) delivers standard identification of branded and generically equivalent medicines and their components. It also provides standard naming conventions and terminology to accurately describe medications. The terminology is for use by medication management computer systems, in both primary and secondary healthcare.

This document outlines the UML data model used for developing the Australian Medicines Terminology (v2 model). The document is part 1 of the 2 part Australian Medicines Terminology Style Guide and should be read in conjunction with the remaining part, the Australian Medicines Terminology Editorial Rules v2.0.

This document’s title has been updated – there is no change to content.
AMT v1.1 is provided as a minor amendment to AMT v1.0 and provides additional products according to changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from January 2008 to March 2008. AMT v1.0 has had multiple interim releases and extensive external consultation.

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