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This version of Conformance Test Specification provides clarifications for many of the test cases, improves the readability of the document, and adds a number of test cases to support recently published Pathology Report and Diagnostic Imaging Report conformance profiles. It supports the currently published Clinical Documents - CDA Rendering Specification, the My Health Record clinical document specifications and their conformance requirements.

The specification now applies only to the rendering of documents, with the authoring of documents tested within a separate specification (to be published in March). The format of the specification has been amended to align with other Agency conformance specifications, with explicit test steps and outcomes, and additional commentary to describe the operation of the worksheets, including the acceptability of “partial conformance” under certain conditions.

New tests have been applied which relate to medical nomenclature and areas of common conformance.

Download Conformance Test Specification for CDA Rendering v1.4

NEHTA_2064_2016_ClinicalDocuments_ConformanceTestSpecificationforCDARendering_v1.4.xlsm () 
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