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Version 2.3 of the Clinical Package Validator:

  • supports the validation of eHealth Diagnostic Imaging Reports that reference clinical information outside the clinical package (for example, a diagnostic image on a website);
  • provides a platform that enables the automation of conformance test cases and test scenarios, through the application of Schematron rules that are in addition to those in a My Health Record system template package.

The Validator does not test conformance against all specifications. Section 4 of this release note defines a set of tests that are supported, tests partially supported, and a general description of the types of tests not supported.

Results from the Validator must not be relied upon to determine software conformance when declaring conformance to the My Health Record System Operator. A vendor will need to supplement results from the Validator with their own testing before declaring conformance.

Clarification: PCEHR means the My Health Record, formerly the "Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record", within the meaning of the My Health Records Act 2012 (Cth), formerly called the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records Act 2012 (Cth).

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