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This document describes the steps required in preparing a Clinical Information System (CIS) or software used by a Contracted Service Provider (CSP) for connection to the My Health Record system (previously known as PCEHR or Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record).

On 1 July 2015, the approach for conformance and compliance of systems transacting with the My Health Record system, moved to an industry-enabled model. A self-declaration approach applies for My Health Record conformance profiles and specifications. In addition, an evidence verification applies to the My Health Record Connecting Systems Security conformance profile. The vendor’s product adherence to conformance will consist of declarations based on each respective profile conformance requirements and specifications.

This document provides an overview of the process required to connect your software to the My Health Record system production environment. Table 1 describes the type of access available, based on the access channel used to connect to the My Health Record system.

Download Software Vendor Guide to the Connection Process v2.0

DH-4121-2025 My Health Record - Software Vendor Guide to the Connection Process v2.0.pdf () 
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