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You can use a client such as Postman for testing.

The latest collections and environment imports are in the ZIP file linked below:

Quick start guide

Step   Details
1 Install Postman and create a PCA workspace
2 Unzip the latest postman collections archive above
3 Import all extracted files into PCA workspace
4 Create an Organisation (PCA portal) 
5 Register client (CR1.1)
6 Authorise client (PCA portal) for the Organisation
7 Get access token (CR2.1)
8 Source org_id by calling introspect token (CR2.2)
9 Run any publisher, subscriber or system of record operations

You can or register to download SVT Postman Collections v2.40 ZIP

Checksum: e60e8d8bf94898b50764dfe3aa5e2c80d052f66f043fb06876bf61676343c0ad

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