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HIPS Mobile allows clinicians in the hospital setting to have mobile device access to patient My Health Record information while engaging with patients in ward and bed-side settings, or remotely off-site.

Clinicians in public and private hospitals already widely rely on mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) for accessing their patients’ clinical information, so HIPS Mobile will add My Health Record patient data access to their repertoire.

HIPS Mobile v2.0 is the next major release, featuring the following major improvements and defect fixes.

The new key features of the application are:

  • Introduction of an emergency contact details view for displaying these details from a patient’s My Health Record.
  • Introduction of ‘gain emergency access’ functionality to enable access to a patient’s My Health Record when the selected patient needs emergency care and is not capable of giving or communicating consent.
  • Rebranded the application from HPA to HIPS Mobile.
  • General improvements to user experience and usability of the application.
  • Improved hardening of security posture.

Note that HIPS Mobile was previously named HIPS Provider App - it is the same product that has been renamed. 

Download Release Note v2.0

DH_3606_2022_HIPSMobile_ReleaseNote_v2.0.pdf () 
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