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OIDs are used in various standards, like HL7 and CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) documents, to ensure that each coded value in a patient's record is understood universally, regardless of the software system being used. This is essential for interoperability and the accurate sharing of patient information across different healthcare providers and systems.  

OIDs assigned by the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) for external use under the arc of 

OIDDisplayDefinition is the official OID for MIMS external products, principally the MIMS coding system for medications as widely used by vendors. This OID is reserved for MIMS, who will issue sub-OIDs from this OID for general use in CDA documents. Standard Code setThe OID used for all MIMS codes as defined by the MIMS Integrated Data Solution (IDS). Usage Notes for MIMS Codes -------------------------- The intended use of MIMS Data is to fully specify the product as a combination of Product Code, Form Code, and Pack Code. For example, when providing a MIMS Code within a CDA Document, the MIMS Code will be a minimum of 5 digits (in most cases will be 8 digits). Product Code: is 1 or more digits (usually a MIMS Product Code is 4 digits. Leading zeros are not required) Form Code: is always 2 digits (padded with leading zero) Pack Code: is always 2 digits (padded with leading zero) Example: 12340102 When decoded is interpreted as follows Product Code = 1234 Form Code = 1 Pack Code = 2 In some cases you may wish to only specify the product code. Whilst this is not the preferred use of MIMS data you may do so by ensuring the Form and Pack Codes are specific as zeros and must appended to the end of the Product Code. e.g. 12340000 medical coding system – the OID used when representing DOCLE codes in CDA documents. OID for identifying Integrated South Australian Activity Collection (ISAAC) lists maintained by South Australian government. Authority NumberState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments. This is a reserved root OID which contains sub-OIDs for each State. This OID should never be used. Authority Number, NSWState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of NSW. Authority Number, VICState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of VIC. Authority Number, QLDState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of QLD. Authority Number, SAState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of SA. Authority Number, WAState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of WA. Authority Number, TASState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of TAS. Authority Number, NTState Authority Numbers issued to cover prescription payments by the Australian State of NT. Health DomainThis OID Arc will be used to register NSW Health Domain specific concepts. Initially this will be NSW Health identifiers for patients (MRNs, AUIDs) and NSWH Data Dictionary schemes (such as Facility Code) but may be expanded to other NSW Health specific concepts. Vaccine Code

OID that identifies item codes defined in the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register Vaccine, as managed and published by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing. The version of the code system should be conveyed along with the code, and the version should be in the form YYYYMM which corresponds to the official month of the medicare schedule that the code is taken from

Note: The OID is a leaf node - it is used in a coded data element to indicate that the accompanying code in the coded data element identifies an Australian Childhood Immunisation Register Vaccine. The OID is not an arc that can be extended by adding OIDs below it Record NumberThis is the Healthcare Client identifier and is unique within a Queensland Health facility. Synonym: Medical Record (MR) Number Department Of HealthThis OID Arc will be used to register NT Department Of Health specific concepts. Initially this will be NT Department Of Health patient identifiers(HCID, HRN) but may be expanded to other NT Department Of Health specific concepts. Connect Identifier for NT Department of HealthThis OID will be used for identifying NT Department Of Health 'Health Connect Identifiers'. Workstation IDs for NT Department of HealthNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. This OID will be used for identifying the Clinical Workstation (Acute Care System). Clinical Information System IdentifiersNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. One additional OID is required required for the use of an ePass based unique identifier. NT DoH has a root OID, which is Record Number for NT Department of HealthThis OID will be used for identifiying NT Department Of Health 'Hosptial Record Numbers'. Facility Codes for NT Department of HealthThis OID will be used for identifying NT Location/Site Identifier for our Electronic Health Record. System IDs for NT Department of HealthThis OID will be used for identifying NT Clinical Information System Identifiers for our Electronic Health Record. User IDs for NT Department of HealthThis OID will be used for identifying NT User Identifiers for our Electronic Health Record. Central IDs for NT Department of HealthNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. This OID will be used for identifying the PICS Central (NT Primary Care System, central server). Bagot IDs for NT Department of HealthNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. This OID will be used for identifying the PCIS Bagot (NT Primary Care System, Bagot server) Binjari IDs for NT Department of HealthNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. This OID will be used for identifying the PCIS Binjari (NT Primary Care System, Binjari server). l IDs for NT Department of HealthNT Clinical Information System Identifiers for use with a unique user identifier when HPI-I is not available. This OID will be used for identifying the CareSys (Acute Care System). at AdmissionThis is the descriptor for information about medications recorded (usually, by a Ward Pharmacist) as being taken by the patient at time of admission to hospital for the current encounter. Each medication is described by the following data elements; 1) Generic or Brand Name/Strength/Form 2) Directions 3) Status 4) Reason Australia Modifications of MBS Item and DVA Fee Schedule Item

OID that identifies the code system of combined Medicare Benefits Schedule items and Department of Veterans' Affairs fee schedule items as modified and maintained by Services Australia. This code system has historically identified MBS and DVA items as belonging to the same code system. One of the modifications included padding MBS codes with leading zeros so they are all of a consistent character length. 

Note: The OID is a leaf node - it is used in a coded data element to identify the code system of which a code belongs. The OID is not an arc that can be extended by adding OIDs below it. Australia Modified PBS Schedule Item

OID that identifies Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme schedule item codes as modified by Services Australia. The modifications are typically padding codes with leading zeros so they are all of a consistent character length. The canonical PBS schedule item code system is published by the Australian Department of Health and is uniquely identified. 

Note: The OID is a leaf node - it is used in a coded data element to identify the code system of which a code belongs. The OID is not an arc that can be extended by adding OIDs below it. PBS Manufacturer Code

OID that identifies the two letter manufacturer codes used in the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefit Schedule as managed and published by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing. The Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits schedule is released regularly. The version of the code system should be conveyed along with the code, and the version should be in the form YYYYMMDD which corresponds to the official date of release of the schedule that the code is taken from. 

Note: The OID is a leaf node - it is used in a coded data element to indicate that the accompanying code in the coded data element identifies an PBS Item. The OID is not an arc that can be extended by adding OIDs below it. Streamlined Authority Approval Number

OID that identifies streamlined authority code defined by the Australian Pharmaceutical Benefit Schedule as managed and published by the Australian Department of Health and Ageing. The Australian Pharmaceutical Benefits schedule is released regularly. The version of the code system should be conveyed along with the code, and the version should be in the form YYYYMMDD which corresponds to the official date of release of the schedule that the code is taken from. 

Note: The OID is a leaf node - it is used in a coded data element to indicate that the accompanying code in the coded data element identifies an MBS Item. The OID is not an arc that can be extended by adding OIDs below it. Health eHealth SystemsRoot OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces maintained by eHealth Systems division of South Australian Department of Health and Ageing. Health Clinical Document IDAssignment ontology node for SA Health Clinical Document instance identifier. This OID is not used directly, but groups the OIDs for each application that creates clinical documents. Number for application (Oacis, PUMA or EPAS) must be appended to identify the namespace of a clinical document instance identifier. Health Oacis Document IDNamespace for identifier of an instance of a clinical document from Oacis. The PCEHR system requires that the root OID is globally unique, and not just the combination of root OID and extension text, therefore this OID will always be suffixed with the actual document ID, which is repeated in the extension, for example: Health PUMA Document IDNamespace for identifier of an instance of a clinical document from PUMA. The PCEHR system requires that the root OID is globally unique, and not just the combination of root OID and extension text, therefore this OID will always be suffixed with the actual document ID, which is repeated in the extension, for example: Health EPAS Document IDNamespace for identifier of an instance of a clinical document from EPAS. The PCEHR system requires that the root OID is globally unique, and not just the combination of root OID and extension text, therefore this OID will always be suffixed with the actual document ID, which is repeated in the extension, for example: Health Clinical Document Set IDAssignment ontology node for SA Health Clinical Document set identifier. Code for application (Oacis, PUMA or EPAS) must be appended to identify the namespace of a clinical document set identifier. Health Oacis Document Set IDNamespace for set identifier of a clinical document from Oacis. In the setId element of the CDA document, this OID goes in the root attribute, and the actual set ID goes in the extension attribute. For example: Health PUMA Document Set IDNamespace for set identifier of a clinical document from PUMA. In the setId element of the CDA document, this OID goes in the root attribute, and the actual set ID goes in the extension attribute. For example: Health EPAS Document Set IDNamespace for set identifier of a clinical document from EPAS. In the setId element of the CDA document, this OID goes in the root attribute, and the actual set ID goes in the extension attribute. For example: Health Clinical Document Code SetsBranch node that groups together various small code sets used within SA Health clinical documents. Health Clinical Document SectionSmall code set for extensions in SA Health clinical documents. This code set is used in the discharge summary in CDA schema path "ClinicalDocument/component/structuredBody/component/section/code". The full set of defined values is as follows: 1) 2) 3) Health Separation Summary Medication Status

Small code set for SA Health Separation Summary Medication Status. This code set is used in the discharge summary at NEHTA SDT Data Component "Therapeutic Good > Medication History > Item Status" which is mapped to CDA schema paths 


(current or ceased medication item status). The full set of defined values is as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) Health Recipient OrganisationAssignment ontology node for SA Health identifiers of document recipient organisations. Code for assigning system must be appended to identify the namespace of an organisation identifier. Health Oacis Practice LocationNamespace for identifier (practice location ID) of an organisation that the OACIS user selected as the recipient of a clinical document. This is a numeric value allocated by the Health Provider Registry or its replacement. This OID goes in the root attribute, and the numeric location ID goes in the extension attribute at CDA schema path "informationRecipient/intendedRecipient/receivedOrganization/ext:asEntityIdentifier/ext:id". Health Recipient IndividualAssignment ontology node for SA Health identifiers of document recipient individuals. Code for assigning system must be appended to identify the namespace of an individual identifier. Health Oacis Provider NumberNamespace for identifier (e.g. provider number) of an individual that the Oacis user selected as the recipient of a clinical document. This is an alphanumeric value, often but not always the Medicare Provider Number. Other known formats are "SADInnnnn", originally allocated by SA Divisions of General Practice Inc (SADI) for providers who do not have a Medicare Provider Number, and "RMnnnn", allocated by Oacis for a Records Manager (RM) at each practice location. This OID goes in the root attribute, and the provider number goes in the extension attribute at CDA schema path "informationRecipient/intendedRecipient/informationRecipient/ext:asEntityIdentifier/ext:id". Health Local System UserAssignment ontology node for SA Health identifiers of local system users. Code for assigning system must be appended to identify the namespace of an individual identifier. Health Active Directory AccountNamespace for identifier of a local system user from the SA Health Active Directory (HAD). This OID goes in the root attribute, and the alphanumeric user logon name goes in the extension attribute at CDA schema path "author/assignedAuthor/assignedPerson/ext:asEntityIdentifier/ext:id". For example: Health Oacis User IDNamespace for identifier of a local system user of the Oacis application, which is used to identify the author of an Oacis discharge summary, in lieu of an HPI-I. This OID goes in the root attribute, and the numeric Oacis User ID goes in the extension attribute at CDA schema path "author/assignedAuthor/assignedPerson/ext:asEntityIdentifier/ext:id". For example: root OIDRoot OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces maintained by eRX Systems. IdentifiersRoot OID for identifying identifiers maintained by eRX Systems. Prescription Item IdentifierAn identifier used by eRx to identify prescription items. Dispense Item IdentifierAn identifier used by eRx to identify dispense items. root OIDRoot OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces maintained by Barwon Systems. IdentifiersRoot OID for identifying identifiers maintained by Barwon Systems. Prescription Item IdentifierAn identifier used by Barwon to identify Prescription items. Dispense Item IdentifierAn identifier used by Barwon to identify Dispense items. Prescribe Transaction IdentifierAn identifier used by Barwon to identify Prescribe Transactions. Dispense Transaction IdentifierAn identifier used by Barwon to identify Dispense Transactions. based Organisation Medical Record Identifier

An identifier used to identify a patient, scoped by an HPI-O. This OID is never used in CDA documents directly; instead, a sub-oid is used: root="[HPI-O]" extension="[MRN]". 

Note that this OID is provided as a default option; if the organisation has some other OID to use to identify the MRN, then that OID should be used instead. Government Health DirectorateRoot OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces maintained by ACT Government Health Directorate. Government Health Directorate Hospital Entity IdentifierThis is the OID of Local Hosp Medical Spectrum space. This will identify the locally defined codes for the Medical staff for both their role as author of the document and encounter participant. Government Health Directorate MRNThis is the OID of ACT Government Health Directorate MRN space. This OID is used to identify an MRN that has been issues to a patient/client of a Health Directorate hospital or service. Government Health Directorate Healthcare InstitutionThis OID represents the custodian organisation for the CDA document; in this case the assigned custodian will be the Canberra Hospital. Drug Administration SystemThis is the OID of the Canberra Hospital Drugs administration system space. It will be used to identify the Code System used to code the drugs listed in the medication section of the discharge summary. Portal IdentifierThis OID represents the identifier to be used as a temporary alternative option when the HPI-I is unavailable. Example: patient identifierThese identifiers appear to identify the patient to whom medications have been prescribed or dispensed. individual customer identifierThese identifiers uniquely identify healthcare individuals (e.g. Prescribing GPs). The identifier appears frequently as the Prescriber individual is used in a number of structures in the e-Prescription Record CDA Documents (i.e. Author, Custodian, Legal Authenticator, etc.) individual customer identifier dispenseThese identifiers uniquely identify healthcare individuals (e.g. Pharmacies). The identifier appears frequently as the Dispensing individual is used in a number of structures in the Dispense Record CDA Documents (i.e. Author, Custodian, Legal Authenticator, etc.) dispensed item identifierThis identifier is for items dispensed in the dispense record. transaction identifierAn identifier used by eRx to identify transactions uniquely. prescription item identifierThis identifier is for items in the prescription and the dispense record. organisation customer identifier - PrescribeThese identifiers uniquely identify prescribing healthcare organizations. organisation customer identifier - DispenseThese identifiers uniquely identify Dispensing healthcare organizations. message identifierThese identifiers identify the message Id of the messages which are transformed into CDA Documents by the MedView Collector Adapter. Healthcare ACT - Public - Root OIDRoot OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces maintained by Calvary Healthcare ACT - Public. Healthcare ACT - Public - Custodian Organisation IDThis OID represents the custodian organisation for the CDA document; in this case the assigned custodian will be Calvary Healthcare ACT - Public. Healthcare ACT - Public - Entity IdentifierThis is the OID of Local Hosp Medical Spectrum space. This will identify the locally defined codes for the Medical staff for both their role as author of the document and encounter participant. Healthcare ACT - Public - Drug Administration SystemThis is the OID of Calvary Healthcare ACT – Public, Drugs administration system space. It will be used to identify the Code System used to code the drugs listed in the medication section of the discharge summary. Portal IdentifierThis OID represents the identifier to be used as a temporary alternative option when the HPI-I is unavailable for Calvary. Example: based Local System Identifier

An identifier used to identify a Provider when an HPI-I isn't available, scoped by an HPI-O. This OID is never used in CDA documents directly; instead, a sub-oid is used: root="[HPI-O]" extension="[LocalSystemIdentifier]". 

Example: Note that this OID is provided as a default option; if the organisation has some other OID to use to identify the Local System Identifier, then that OID should be used instead. Child Development Information Data Root OIDRoot OID for identifying the PCEHR Child Development Information Data and Questionnaire content for inclusion in the PCEHR. Child Arcs are used to identify State/Territory and the specific questions, answers and schedules for Child Developmental Information Questionnaire content. (.1) ACT (.2) NSW (.3) VIC (.4) QLD (.5) SA (.6) WA (.7) TAS (.8) NT Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - ACTThis OID is for identifying ACT's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - NSWThis OID is for identifying NSW's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - VICThis OID is for identifying VIC's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - QLDThis OID is for identifying QLD's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - SAThis OID is for identifying SA's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - WAThis OID is for identifying WA's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - TASThis OID is for identifying TAS's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Child Development Information Data - Jurisdiction - NTThis OID is for identifying NT's Child Developmental Information Questionnaires. Child Arcs are used to identify: (.1) Questions (.2) Answers (.3) Health Check Types (.4) Schedules (.5) Section Closing the Gap BenefitIdentifies the Closing the Gap PBS Co-payment Measure. IdA RACF Id is a string issued by the Australian government which is used to identify residential aged care facilities. Custom Data ComponentFor identification of custom data components which is used within PCEHR Documents. Department of Health and Human ServicesThis OID Arc will be used to register TAS Department Of Health and Human Services specific concepts. Initially this will be TAS Department Of Health and Human Services patient identifiers(THCI) but may be expanded to other TAS Department Of Health and Human Services specific concepts. Department of Health and Human Services Patient ID BranchTAS Health Identifier eHealth systems under root OID for the OID arc - Patient identifier. Department of Health and Human Services Client Identifier (THCI)TAS Clinical Information System Identifiers for our Electronic Health Record under Patient's(.2) for the instance identifier (II) Tasmanian Health Client Identifier [THCI]. Department of Health and Human Services DHHS Drug File IdentifierDHHS Drug File identifier and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification. See: Imaging Provider location specific practice numberThe Department of health issues location specific practice numbers (LSPN's) to Diagnostic Imaging providers in the accreditation program. A unique LSPN's is issued to diagnostic providers when they are accredited. These numbers are used in v2 messages and CDA documents in order to identify the diagnostic imaging provider that is the source of a diagnostic imaging report and the detailed items in it. This OID identifies that LSPN number. (Healthcare Identifier and PCEHR System)Root OID for identifying code systems and identifier namespaces for use with in the Healthcare Identifier and PCEHR System (HIPS) product. Document IdNamespace for identifier of an instance of a clinical document from HIPS. The PCEHR system requires that the root OID is globally unique, and not just the combination of root OID and extension text, therefore this OID will always be suffixed with the HPIO of the organisation creating the document and the local document id, which is repeated in the extension, for example: Set IdNamespace for set identifier of an instance of a clinical document set from HIPS. The PCEHR system requires that the combination of the root OID and extension text for a setId must be unique, therefore this OID will always be suffixed with the HPIO of the organisation creating the document set, and in the extension is a unique document setId for that HPIO, for example: Medical Record IdNamespace for Medical Record identifier of a patient from HIPS. The CDA Document requires that the second Entity Identifier of the patient relates to the local Medical Record of the patient. The root is a combination of this OID, the HPI-O number and the HospitalId (from within HIPS) to create a sub-oid, and the extension text will be the actual MR. For example: Entity IdEntity idenfier for HIPS to record when no HPI-I is available Identifier scoped by an HPI-OThis OID is used as the root of an arc that organisations can use for their own internal prescription IDs. This OID is never used directly – instead, the 16 digit HPIO is appended to the OID, like so:[HPIO], where it goes in the CDA id root to identify that organization's internal prescription identifier (which goes in the id extension). If an organization has more than one prescription identifier, it should use a finer grained HPI-O. Record Identifier scoped by an HPI-OThis OID is used as the root of an arc that organisations can use for their own internal dispense record IDs. This OID is never used directly – instead, the 16 digit HPIO is appended to the OID, like so:[HPIO], where it goes in the CDA id root to identify that organization's internal dispense record identifier (which goes in the id extension). If an organization has more than one dispense record identifier, it should use a finer grained HPI-O based Local Order IdentifierThis OID is used as the root of an arc that organisations can use for their own local order IDs. This OID is never used directly – instead, the 16 digit HPIO is appended to the OID, like so:[HPIO], where it goes in the CDA id root to identify that organization's local order identifier (which goes in the id extension). Example: based Accession NumberThis OID is used as the root of an arc that organisations can use to issue accession numbers in accordance with the DICOM standard. The OID is never used directly – instead, the 16 digit HPIO is appended to the OID, like so:[HPIO], where it goes in the CDA id root to identify accession numbers issued by that organization (which goes in the id extension). Example: based Report IdentifierThis OID is used as the root of an arc that organisations can use for their local report identifiers. This OID is never used directly – instead, the 16 digit HPIO is appended to the OID, like so:[HPIO], where it goes in the CDA id root to identify that organization's local report identifier (which goes in the id extension). Example: Medication CodeNamespace to represent Pharmhos medication codes Registration numberThe AHPRA registration number for practitioners can be used to search the HI Service to retrieve the HPI-I. It is a unique identifier provided by AHPHA to manage and maintain their registers Medicinal Product CodeNamespace to represent CSC i.Pharmacy medicinal product code Dispense IdentifierNamespace to represent CSC i.Pharmacy dispense identifier WP09 - Medicines View, Detailed Design - Back-EndDocument which defines content of the Medications View CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML. Care Health IdentifiersNamespace to represent Uniting Care Health identifiers for facility, patients, encounters, orders and documents Healthcare Australia IdentifiersNamespace to represent Sonic Healthcare Australia identifiers for facility, patients, providers, requests, orders and documents. Computing IdentifiersNamespace to represent Kestral computing identifiers for facility, patients, providers, requests, orders and documents. Group IdentifiersRoot OID identifying all local Mater Misericordiae Limited Clinical Document codes and identifiers for facility, patients, providers, requests, orders and documents System IdentifiersNamespace to represent “Minfos” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents. & Phillips Pharmacy Computers IdentifiersNamespace to represent “Phillips and Phillips” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents. HealthRoot OID to represent Peninsula Health identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents which will be identified as sub-arcs. Health MR IdNamespace to represent Peninsula Health Medical Record Identifier to represent “Myscript” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents identifier dispense and prescription recordNamespace to represent “Corum Health” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents Software Pty LtdNamespace to represent “Z Software Pty Ltd” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, dispenses and documents. or ACN based Local Individual Service Provider IdentifierAn identifier used to identify an individual service provider, scoped by an ABN or ACN. This OID is never used in CDA documents directly; instead, a sub-oid is used: root="[ABN or ACN]" extension="[identifier]". Note that this OID is provided as a default option; if the organisation has some other OID to use to identify individual service providers, then that OID should be used instead. or ACN based Local Medical Record IdentifierAn identifier used to identify a patient, scoped by an ABN or ACN. This OID is never used in CDA documents directly; instead, a sub-oid is used: root="[ABN or ACN]" extension="[MRN]". Note that this OID is provided as a default option; if the organisation has some other OID to use to identify MRNs, then that OID should be used instead. HealthNamespace to represent “Western Health” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents HealthNamespace to represent Western Health Medical Record Identifier Australia LtdNamespace to represent “RxOne” identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents HealthThe OID will identify the originating jurisdiction as Queensland Health. This OID will be used for operational and audit purposes. WP01 – Pathology and DI CDA-based Views – Detailed DesignDocument which defines content of the Pathology and DI View CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML. WP106 - Enhanced Use of Immunisation Records, Detailed Design - Back-EndDocument which defines content of the Immunisations Consolidated View CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML. for generation of UIDs to attach to DICOM objects generated by Annalise-AI. HealthRoot OID to represent Austin Health identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents which will be identified as sub-arcs Health MR IdNamespace to represent Austin Health Medical Record Identifier HealthRoot OID to represent Northern Health identifiers for representing concepts such as medicines, packages, facilities, patients, providers, requests, prescriptions, dispenses and documents which will be identified as sub-arcs Health MR IdNamespace to represent Northern Health Medical Record Identifier - WP184 - Voluntary Patient Registration VPR (MyMedicare)Document which defines content of the MyMedicare Registered Practice Information View CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML - WP174 - Aged Care Transfer Summary (ACTS) - Technical DeliveryDocument which defines content of the Residential Care Transfer Overview CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML. Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) IdentifierThe ARTG is the public database of therapeutic goods that can be legally supplied in Australia. It is a record of the contents and classification details of therapeutic goods. Each entry included in the register is identified by the ARTG ID. Goods Administration Business Services (TBS) Organisation numberA number issued by Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) to identify organisations that can conduct business with TGA via TBS. Unique Device Identification Database (AusUDID)This OID will be used for identifying Australian specific concepts and values for the Australian Unique Device Identification Database. Identifiers referenced as part of this OID will belong solely to AusUDID. Identifiers under this OID will include, but are not limited to, Device class element and values, Device Software element and values, and Sterilisation values. Goods Administration – AU Module-1 eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabulary - Context of Use Controlled vocabulary for use in the preparation of data messages utilising the AU-Module1 eCTD v4.0 Specification. Goods Administration – AU Module-1 eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabulary – Submission Unit TypeControlled vocabulary describing the data content within an eCTD sequence prepared using the AU-Module1 eCTD v4.0 Specification. Goods Administration – AU Module-1 eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabulary – TGA Submission StatusControlled vocabulary indicating the regulatory status of the submission directly related to an eCTD sequence prepared using the AU-Module1 eCTD v4.0 Specification. Goods Administration – AU Module-1 eCTD v4.0 Controlled Vocabulary – TGA Evaluation AreaControlled vocabulary identifying the regulatory evaluation area receiving an eCTD sequence prepared using the AU-Module1 eCTD v4.0 Specification. Goods Administration – AU Module-1 eCTD v4.0 - Dossier Identifier Identification of the Dossier receiving the data message prepared utilising the AU-Module1 eCTD v4.0 Specification. Reserved for TGA Reserved for TGA Reserved for TGA Reserved for TGA identifiersRepresent InstantScripts identifiers for locations, patients, providers, requests and
documents. - UPN-16006 - Medical Conditions View (MCV) - Technical DeliveryDocument which defines content of the Medical Conditions View CDA to be used as the template ID in the XML. - UPN-16006 - Medical Conditions View (MCV) - Document IdThere is a requirement that MCV CDA needs to have a date range filter implemented (as opposed to always defaulting to the most recent 2 years). This custom OID can be used to append the 'from date and to date' passed from the getDocumentList request without incorrectly using the 2.25 OID. for MyHr