The eHealth integration toolkits are a collection of integration tools and sample code resources available in both .NET and Java. The sample code and integration tools are used within the eHealth Reference Platform, forming part of the code library for tools and simulators. Access to sample code and the eHealth Reference Platform’s online simulator services is supported by suitable right-to-use licences and terms and conditions regarding the eHealth Reference Platform.
The Clinical Documents Integration Toolkit contains libraries for the creation, packaging and presentation of clinical documents through the use of style sheets.
The sample code and integration tools provided here should only be used in conjunction with the Agency’s detailed specifications for clinical documents and national infrastructure and, where appropriate, by working with technical and other connectivity instruction provided by the national infrastructure operators. More information can be found in the relevant sections of Implementation Resources.
The Australian Digital Health Agency has chosen GitHub as its collaboration tool to allow developers to more readily access, contribute to the development of, and to collaborate with others in the developer community on our code libraries and selected resources.
A directory of the Australian Digital Health Agency code libraries and links to resources can be found here:
Resources available
Australian Digital Health Agency CDA Schema Extension
- Compilable CDA Schema - The CDA Compilable Schema (Extension) used to generate classes for all Agency-defined CDA documents. This extension is a collection of element or attribute declarations and rules for their application to the CDA Release.
- CDA Schema - The CDA Schema (Extension) for all Agency-defined CDA documents. This extension is a collection of element or attribute declarations and rules for their application to the CDA Release.
Clinical Documents and Style Sheets
- Generic Style Sheet with CSS - This generic style sheet provides vendors with a sample implementation of a style sheet which will render all CDA documents defined by the Australian Digital Health Agency. This variant of the style sheet package also includes CSS definitions suitable for the rendering of CDA documents.
- Generic Style Sheet No CSS - This generic style sheet provides vendors with a sample implementation of a style sheet which will render all CDA documents defined by the Australian Digital Health Agency. This variant of the style sheet package does not include any CSS definitions.
- Prescription and Dispense View Style Sheet with CSS - The Prescription and Dispense View (PDV) Style Sheet provides a sample implementation of a style sheet (including CSS) which is aligned to the Prescription and Dispense View - Presentation Guide.
- Prescription and DispenseView Style Sheet No CSS - The PDV Style Sheet provides a sample implementation of a style sheet which is aligned to the PCEHR Prescription and Dispense View - Presentation Guide.
Clinical Document .NET Sample Codes
- Library - The Clinical Document Library provides .NET sample implementations of how to create a range of CDA documents. The .NET variant of the library supports all Agency-specified clinical document types.
- Packaging Library - The Clinical Document Packaging Library provides sample code for the wrapping and unwrapping of clinical documents, their digital signature and associated attachments. The functionality is based on the CDA Packaging specification (no metadata.xml) and is particularly aimed at supporting document uploads to and downloads from the My Health Record system, and point-to-point (P2P) messaging.
- Data Extractor Library - The Clinical Document Data Extractor Library simplifies the development process by providing vendors with a simple interface for extracting data from a range of CDA® documents.
Clinical Document Library Java Sample Codes
- Library - The Clinical Document Library provides Java sample implementations of how to create a range of CDA documents. The Java variant of the library focusses on document types for use in a hospital context.
- Data Extractor Library - The Clinical Document Data Extractor Library simplifies the development process by providing vendors with a simple interface for extracting data from a range of CDA® documents. Java clinical document packaging library to align with all other Java-based code to support up to Java version 7.2.1.
Secure Messaging Conformance Test Tools - Product Data Sheet v1.0
If you are looking for superseded versions of these resources, contact