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HIPS v8.3
Health Record Overview v1.2
Health Record Overview
My Health Record Integration Toolkit v1.2.2
My Health Record Integration Toolkit
Shared Health Summary v1.5.2
Shared Health Summary
Australian Immunisation Register v1.2
Australian Immunisation Register
My Health Record B2B Gateway Services v2.0
My Health Record B2B Gateway Services
Requesting IHIs for Newborns - A Guide for Healthcare Provider Organisations v1.0
A Guide for Healthcare Provider Organisations
Use of HIs in Health Software Systems - Business Use Cases v3.1
Business Use Cases
eDischarge Summary - CDA Implementation Guide v3.4
CDA Implementation Guide
My Health Record - FHIR Mobility Certificate v1.1
FHIR Mobility Certificate
My Health Record B2B Client Library - Schema WSDL v4.0.0
Schema WSDL
Medicare Records - FHIR Implementation Guide v1.0
FHIR Implementation Guide
CIS to NPP - Implementation Guide v1.0
Implementation Guide
Clinical Documents - Common Conformance Profile v1.7
Common Conformance Profile
PCEHR Connecting Systems - Conformance Test Specification v1.6
Conformance Test Specification
Electronic Prescribing - Conformance Test Specifications - Prescribing Systems v3.0.3
Conformance Test Specifications - Prescribing Systems
Electronic Prescribing - Declaration of Conformance v2.0
Electronic Prescribing - Declaration of Conformance
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Clinical Document Service
In this guide, we will be accessing Prescription and Dispense List and Allergies List contained in a patient’s clinical document service
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Environment Setup and Authentication
Within these guides we will demonstrate the functionality of the FHIR® Gateway using Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio and the Android Emulator
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Generic Document Services
This guide will look at retrieving all clinical document data (including these 2, but excluding MBS documents)
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Registration and Overview
In this tutorial, you will; register as a developer for the Gateway, understand your testing obligations and more
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Medicare and PBS Information
When a patient has an appointment with a healthcare provider, and that healthcare provider is eligible for a Medicare rebate, a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) clinical document is sent to Medicare
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Patient Details and Record List
We will use the token received from MyGov to access the patient’s My Health Record
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Personal Health Summary
In this guide, we will be accessing a patient’s medications and allergies contained in a Personal Health Summary
National Secure Messaging Network - Interoperability Specification v1.0
Interoperability Specification
National Secure Messaging Network - Blueprint v1.0
Secure Messaging v2.0
Secure Messaging
Aged Care Transfer Summary v1.1
Aged Care Transfer Summary
Security Requirements for My Health Record Connecting Systems - Conformance Profile - Stakeholder feedback key themes v1.1
Stakeholder feedback key themes
My Health Record Software Vendor Welcome Pack - Conformance Vendor Declaration Form vv20231212
Conformance Vendor Declaration Form
My Health Record Software Vendor Welcome Pack - Conformance Vendor Declaration Form Instructions v20231212
Conformance Vendor Declaration Form Instructions
My Health Record Software Vendor Welcome Pack v20231213
My Health Record Software Vendor Welcome Pack
Medicare Records FHIR® Implementation Guide v2.2.0
Clinical Documents Integration Toolkit
The eHealth integration toolkits are a collection of integration tools and sample code resources available in both .NET and Java. The sample code and integration tools are used within the eHealth Reference Platform, forming part of the code library for tools and simulators.