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The need for a digital health standards catalogue was identified during the process of creating the National Digital Health Interoperability Plan, which resulted in the inclusion of Action 2.5. The Digital Health Standards Catalogue is intended to provide a user-friendly access point to various digital health standards needed by the healthcare sector in Australia to help achieve more connected care. 

The Agency leads the curation of the standards catalogue, making it the source of truth for interoperability in digital healthcare.

Over time, the standards catalogue will expand to provide curated content focused on use cases and functional workflows.  


This resource is the result of extensive consultation and collaboration with stakeholders across the Australian health and care sectors over the course of 2023-24. 

To ensure the standards catalogue meets community expectations, it was co-designed following the Guiding Principles developed with the advice of representatives from the catalogue user communities. 

Current features

At launch, the standards catalogue contains search functionality, information about the standards organisations, and an initial set of standards summaries that are representative of the standards catalogue’s content. Feedback is being sought through open consultation which will assist in prioritising functionality enhancements in future versions. The intention is to maintain dialogue throughout the development process with the user community.   

Phased approach

In order to start delivering content and enable greater engagement through demonstrating what the Catalogue will be, the Agency has taken a phased approach to the delivery. This process aims to grow engagement across the wider user community as content and functionality becomes available.

Future iteration

Additional standards content will continue to be added over the balance of 2024 to complete the foundational elements of the catalogue. To support the ongoing curation of the standards catalogue, the Agency is seeking feedback via open and ongoing consultation to assist in prioritising iterative enhancements in future versions. The aim is to maintain dialogue with stakeholders throughout the development process.

To share ideas on future versions of the standards catalogue, visit the feedback section.