Technical Report
ISO/TR 12773-2:2009
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A health summary record (HSR) is a health record extract comprising a standardised collection of clinical and contextual information (retrospective, concurrent, prospective) that provides a snapshot in time of a subject-of-care’s health information and healthcare.
This document provides an environmental scan and descriptive information on HSR initiatives worldwide, including lessons learned.
The environmental scan was completed by performing web searches and obtaining publicly available documentation on key projects. Project sponsors and authorities were contacted as needed to gather additional information and clarify questions and issues that arose from the review.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Initiatives reviewed
· Key findings
· Summary of initiatives
· Sample health summary records — overview of data groups, specifications for structure, content as applicable
This document provides an environmental scan and descriptive information on HSR initiatives worldwide, including lessons learned.
The environmental scan was completed by performing web searches and obtaining publicly available documentation on key projects. Project sponsors and authorities were contacted as needed to gather additional information and clarify questions and issues that arose from the review.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Initiatives reviewed
· Key findings
· Summary of initiatives
· Sample health summary records — overview of data groups, specifications for structure, content as applicable
Access Business requirements for health summary records – Part 2: Environmental scan
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