SA TS 90009:2014
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This technical specification describes principles for clinical document architecture (CDA) rendering interoperability and its anticipated benefits. It also provides rendering requirements for constructing and presenting CDA documents. It specifies the presentation of the CDA Header, as well as the narrative block elements, attributes and style codes that can be used to construct the narrative blocks of CDA documents.
This specification describes the obligations that need to be met by vendors and users of their systems. It provides conformance requirements for version management, and a mechanism for asserting conformance to a version of this specification in CDA documents. It does not address how clinical content is recorded as narrative sections in the CDA Body, nor does it address the requirement to keep the atomic and the narrative sections aligned.
Main sections:
· Scope and general
· Business context
· General conformance requirements
· CDA Header
· CDA Body
· Version management
· Appendix A
· Appendix B
· Appendix C
This specification describes the obligations that need to be met by vendors and users of their systems. It provides conformance requirements for version management, and a mechanism for asserting conformance to a version of this specification in CDA documents. It does not address how clinical content is recorded as narrative sections in the CDA Body, nor does it address the requirement to keep the atomic and the narrative sections aligned.
Main sections:
· Scope and general
· Business context
· General conformance requirements
· CDA Header
· CDA Body
· Version management
· Appendix A
· Appendix B
· Appendix C
Access CDA rendering interoperability specification
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