Technical Report
ISO/TR 24291:2021
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Machine learning technologies for artificial intelligence can be applied in the field of medicine including radiology, pathology, emergency medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology, anaesthesia and surgery. It can also be used in clinical settings including repeated detection or diagnosis, real-time monitoring, and treatment prediction.
This document lists examples of and defines categories of use cases for machine learning in medicine for clinical practice. It also defines the clinical usages and necessities of the artificial intelligence in medicine.
This document will assist the health information technology companies by reviewing the current status of machine learning technologies for artificial intelligence in medicine and proposing a gap for a new application. This document can be used to further develop the applications or the necessary standards of machine learning technologies for artificial intelligence in medicine.
Main sections:
· Categories for defining use cases of machine learning in medicine
· Categories based on technology
· Categories based on medical specialty
· Categories based on medical usage
· Use case: AI Platform for Lung Cancer Screening and Reporting
· Use case: AI based text to speech services with personal voices for speech impaired people
· Use case: AI Platform for Chest CT-Scan Analysis
· Use case: Support system for optimisation and personification of drug therapy
· Use case: WebioMed Clinical Decision Support System
This document lists examples of and defines categories of use cases for machine learning in medicine for clinical practice. It also defines the clinical usages and necessities of the artificial intelligence in medicine.
This document will assist the health information technology companies by reviewing the current status of machine learning technologies for artificial intelligence in medicine and proposing a gap for a new application. This document can be used to further develop the applications or the necessary standards of machine learning technologies for artificial intelligence in medicine.
Main sections:
· Categories for defining use cases of machine learning in medicine
· Categories based on technology
· Categories based on medical specialty
· Categories based on medical usage
· Use case: AI Platform for Lung Cancer Screening and Reporting
· Use case: AI based text to speech services with personal voices for speech impaired people
· Use case: AI Platform for Chest CT-Scan Analysis
· Use case: Support system for optimisation and personification of drug therapy
· Use case: WebioMed Clinical Decision Support System
Access Health informatics — Applications of machine learning technologies in imaging and other medical applications
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