ISO 18530:2021
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This standard indicates the data elements and structure needed for accurate, sensitive and procedurally appropriate identification of individuals in health care in a face-to-face setting supported by computer technology, or through interactions between computer systems.
The standard defines demographic and other identifying data elements suited to capturing and managing subject of care (SoC) and individual provider identification in healthcare settings. This identifier can be used on objects such as wrist bands and identification tags to enable automatic data capture during the care delivery process.
This document specifies how to manage identifiers in the automatic identification and data capture process and completes the information found in ISO/TS 22220 and ISO/TS 27527.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms and definitions
· GS1 specifications and ISO deliverables
· Data structures and semantics
· SoC and Individual Provider Identification as a recognised priority
· The purpose of globally unique identification
· Annex A: Examples of use cases
The standard defines demographic and other identifying data elements suited to capturing and managing subject of care (SoC) and individual provider identification in healthcare settings. This identifier can be used on objects such as wrist bands and identification tags to enable automatic data capture during the care delivery process.
This document specifies how to manage identifiers in the automatic identification and data capture process and completes the information found in ISO/TS 22220 and ISO/TS 27527.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms and definitions
· GS1 specifications and ISO deliverables
· Data structures and semantics
· SoC and Individual Provider Identification as a recognised priority
· The purpose of globally unique identification
· Annex A: Examples of use cases
Access Health informatics — Automatic identification and data capture marking and labelling — Subject of care and individual provider identification
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