ISO 12052:2017
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This standard addresses the production, management and exchange of digital medical images and information. It facilitates the interoperability of medical imaging equipment by specifying a set of protocols for devices, the syntax and semantics of commands and associated information that can be exchanged using these protocols, a set of media storage services for devices, and a file format and medical directory structure for interchange media.
The standard was developed with an emphasis on diagnostic medical imaging as practiced in radiology, cardiology, pathology, dentistry, ophthalmology and related disciplines, as well as image-based therapies such as interventional radiology, radiotherapy and surgery. However, it is also applicable to information exchanged in clinical, research, veterinary, and other medical environments.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
· Requirements
· Overview of the content of the DICOM standard
· Referencing the DICOM standard
The standard was developed with an emphasis on diagnostic medical imaging as practiced in radiology, cardiology, pathology, dentistry, ophthalmology and related disciplines, as well as image-based therapies such as interventional radiology, radiotherapy and surgery. However, it is also applicable to information exchanged in clinical, research, veterinary, and other medical environments.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
· Requirements
· Overview of the content of the DICOM standard
· Referencing the DICOM standard
Access Health informatics – Digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) including workflow and data management
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