ISO 12381:2019
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This standard specifies a set of representational primitives and semantic relations for the unambiguous representation of explicit time-related expressions in health informatics. The document provides a set of principles for syntactic and semantic representation that allow the comparability of specific ontologies on time and the exchange of explicitly expressed time-related information.
The document applies to both the representation of actual phenomena occurring in the real world (e.g. registrations in medical records) and the description of concepts (e.g. medical knowledge bases). It is not intended to be used directly for representing what is true in time, reasoning about time or representing metrological time.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms and definitions
· Explicit semantic labelling of predicational components
· Characteristics of conformance
· Annex A: BNF description of the syntax used in the standard predications of this document
The document applies to both the representation of actual phenomena occurring in the real world (e.g. registrations in medical records) and the description of concepts (e.g. medical knowledge bases). It is not intended to be used directly for representing what is true in time, reasoning about time or representing metrological time.
Main sections:
· Scope
· Normative references
· Terms and definitions
· Explicit semantic labelling of predicational components
· Characteristics of conformance
· Annex A: BNF description of the syntax used in the standard predications of this document
Access Health informatics – Explicit time-related expressions for healthcare-specific problems
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