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ISO 23903:2021
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This standard enables the advancement of interoperability from the data/information exchange paradigm to knowledge sharing at decreasing level of abstraction, starting at IT concept level (semantic coordination) through business domain concept level (agreed service function level cooperation), domain level (cross-domain cooperation) up to individual context (skills-based end-user collaboration). The standard defines a model and framework for a harmonised representation of existing or intended systems with a specific focus on ICT-supported business systems. The Interoperability and integration reference architecture supports ontology harmonisation or knowledge harmonisation to enable interoperability between, and integration of, systems, standards and solutions at any level of complexity without the demand for continuously adapting/revising those specifications. The approach can be used for analysing, designing, integrating and running any type of system. For realising advanced interoperability, flexible, scalable, business-controlled, adaptive, knowledge-based, intelligent health and social ecosystems need to follow a systems-oriented, architecture-centric, ontology-based and policy-driven approach.

Main sections:

· Scope

· Normative references

· Terms and definitions

· Abbreviations

· Overview on standard system architecture

· Interoperability and integration reference architecture for ICT-supported systems

· Annex A: Cross-domain interoperability for security and privacy aware EHR communication

· Annex B: Interoperability between different communication standards

· Annex C: Integration of standards in ISO 12967 (all parts)

· Annex D: Deployment of the Interoperability and integration reference architecture approach in ISO 13972

· Annex E: Deployment of the Interoperability and integration reference architecture approach for the representation and harmonisation of alternative reference architectures
Access Health informatics — Interoperability and integration reference architecture — Model and framework

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