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User guide
This document describes the mapping use cases and technical procedures applied to the co-development of a SNOMED CT to ICD-10 map by SNOMED International and the World Health Organization (WHO). It provides guidance on the intended purposes and practical use of the mapping files produced from this development.

The ICD-10 map is intended to provide support within the specified mapping use case for SNOMED International Members and Affiliates that have deployed, or are deploying, SNOMED CT in clinical information systems; and use the 2016 edition of ICD-10 in systems for purposes of statistical reporting, epidemiology, cancer, injury and other registries, quality reporting, safety reporting, and research. The map is also intended to support use by WHO-Collaborating Centers in interested countries where SNOMED CT is deployed or is being deployed.

Main sections:

· Introduction

· ICD-10 map overview

· Scope and procedures

· Map data sets

· Mapping assumptions

· Mapping heuristics

· Data structure and distribution format

· Appendix A: mapRule grammar and formatting

· Appendix B: Mapping guide examples
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