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Supplementary Resource
September 2016
The CSD Profile supports queries across related directories that contain data about organisations, facilities, services and providers. It can respond to queries such as:

- Which facilities are associated with which organisations?

- What services are provided at specific facilities or, conversely, where are the facilities that provide a specified service?

- Who are the providers associated with a particular organisation; what services do they provide; at which facilities do they provide these services, and when?

- Within a specified date range, when are the schedulable time slots for the provider of a specific service?

Queries against an optional 'FreeBusy' service are also supported. This information supports the development of a list of schedulable time slots for providers or services at specific facilities.

The CSD Profile describes 4 actors and the transactions between them: Service Finder, Care Services InfoManager, Care Services Directory, and Service Availability.

Main sections:

- Introduction

- Volume 1 - Profiles

- Volume 2 - Transactions

- Volume 3 - Content modules

- Volume 4 - National extensions
Access IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Supplement: Care Services Discovery (CSD)

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