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This document addresses the interaction between supply processes and clinical processes, and what interoperability is possible and desired to support such processes.

This paper analyses the exchange of information around the supply and procurement of products used for healthcare purposes - for example, diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic uses. This

includes medicinal products and medical devices, as described in use cases.

Main sections:

- Introduction

- Document structure

- Scope of this white paper

- Concepts and definitions

- The healthcare supply chain processes and concepts

- Automatic identification

- Inventory

- Traceability

- Transport

- Product recalls and returns

- Medicines shortage

- Falsified medicines

- Common requirements for supply of healthcare products

- Use case 1 - Medication order, global distribution and administration (floor stock)

- Use case 2 - Ward supply management: pharmacy-managed inventory

- Use case 3 - Inventory count and resupply, product distribution

- Use case 4 - Community pharmacy, stock and consignment items

- Use case 5 - Continued care institutions: preparation, dispense and pick-up of patient stock

- Use case 6 - Cold-stored medication, resupply and return

- Use case 7 - Falsified medication check

- Use case 8 - Operating theatre: UDI lookup

- Use case 9 - Recall of UDI devices

- Requirements overview

- Standards overview
Access IHE Pharmacy (PHARM) White Paper - Supply of Products for Healthcare v1.1

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