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April 2022
Reducing medication-related harm from high-risk medicines, including opioid analgesics, is a priority in Australia.

This clinical care standard describes the care that patients of all ages should receive when they are prescribed opioid analgesics for acute pain in acute care settings.

Main sections:

- Opioid analgesic stewardship in acute pain clinical care standard (acute care edition) clinical care standard

- Indicators for local monitoring

- Clinical care standards

- About the opioid analgesic stewardship in acute pain clinical care standard

- How to use this clinical care standard

- Background: opioid analgesic stewardship in acute pain

- Quality statement 1 - Patient information and shared decision making

- Quality statement 2 - Acute pain assessment

- Quality statement 3 - Risk-benefit analysis

- Quality statement 4 - Pathways of care

- Quality statement 5 - Appropriate opioid analgesic prescribing

- Quality statement 6 - Monitoring and management of opioid analgesic adverse effects

- Quality statement 7 - Documentation

- Quality statement 8 - Review of therapy

- Quality statement 9 - Transfer of care
Access Opioid Analgesic Stewardship in Acute Pain Clinical Care Standard

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