SNOMED CT is a standard for data elements used in the electronic exchange of clinical information.
This document defines a standard format of URIs (uniform resource identifiers) for identifying various SNOMED CT artefacts, including components and RF2 releases. This includes URIs for formally identifying the SNOMED CT international edition, national editions, and any specific versions. It does not cover mechanisms or URIs for non-SNOMED CT code systems.
Main sections:
- SNOMED CT URIs in use
This document defines a standard format of URIs (uniform resource identifiers) for identifying various SNOMED CT artefacts, including components and RF2 releases. This includes URIs for formally identifying the SNOMED CT international edition, national editions, and any specific versions. It does not cover mechanisms or URIs for non-SNOMED CT code systems.
Main sections:
- SNOMED CT URIs in use
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