My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Clinical Document Service
In this guide, we will be accessing Prescription and Dispense List and Allergies List contained in a patient’s clinical document service
My Health Record B2B Gateway - Get Patient Document List and View Document
This guide will walk through the process to get patient clinical documents from the My Health Record system and display them to your users using a generic style sheet
HI Service - Additional requirements for Electronic Prescribing
This guide discusses potential changes required in your software.
PCA™ - API Reference
Outlines the API calls available to developers who wish to connect software to PCA™
My Health Record B2B Gateway - Get Views
This guide will use the My Health Record getView web service to download collated information from a My Health Record in a ‘View’
The National Clinical Trials Governance Framework and user guide for health service organisations conducting clinical trials, Edition 1
Getting started education modules
Clinical Terminology v20161130
Clinical Terminology
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Medicare and PBS Information
When a patient has an appointment with a healthcare provider, and that healthcare provider is eligible for a Medicare rebate, a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) clinical document is sent to Medicare
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Generic Document Services
This guide will look at retrieving all clinical document data (including these 2, but excluding MBS documents)
Clinical Terminology - Test Cases for Software and Messaging v1.0
Test Cases for Software and Messaging
Clinical Documents - Clinical Package v1.0
Clinical Package
Clinical Terminology - Guidance for People and Processes v1.0
Guidance for People and Processes
Working with SNOMED CT as a Clinician
Information about SNOMED CT and SNOMED International’s clinical engagement initiatives
Pharmacist Shared Medicines List (PSML)
The Pharmacist Shared Medicines List (PSML) is a clinical document type supported by the My Health Record system.
Clinical Terminology - Guidance for Use in Healthcare Software v1.0
Guidance for Use in Healthcare Software
Clinical Terminology - Guidance for Use of Medical Nomenclatures in Information Exchange v1.1
Guidance for Use of Medical Nomenclatures in Information Exchange
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Patient Details and Record List
We will use the token received from MyGov to access the patient’s My Health Record
PCA™ - Getting started
The developer guide is intended to get you up-and-running with using the PCA™ API. It covers everything you need to know from registration, authorisation, participation to publication and subscription.