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ANSI/HL7 SAIF CANON, R2-2014 (R2019)
Active (stable)
This document provides the ‘top-level’ specification of the Service-Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF).. SAIF provides consistency between all artefacts, enables a standardised approach to developing and implementing enterprise architecture, and a way to measure the consistency. SAIF is the framework that is required to rationalise interoperability of standards. It is an architecture for achieving interoperability, but it is not a whole-solution design for enterprise architecture management. The SAIF-CD is written for persons or organisations that are interested in implanting SAIF as an adjunct to existing (or planned) enterprise architecture frameworks. SAIF’s singular focus is the various dimensions and perspectives that are not associated with enterprise architecture per se, but rather with achieving predictable, scalable and effective interoperability between the various software components that collectively populate one or more enterprise architectures. Such implementations are most effectively done through the development of an organisation-specific SAIF implementation guide (SAIF IG).

Main sections:

· Governance framework

· Behavioural framework

· Information framework

· Enterprise consistency and conformity framework

· Interoperability specification matrix (ISM)

· Compliant SAIF implementation guides

· Appendix: ISM specification matrix, template and instance; Foundational principles; Defining a SAOF implementation guide; Governance implementation considerations; SAIF-CD adoption and adaption of existing and/or related work
Access HL7 Service-Aware Interoperability Framework (SAIF): Canonical Definition Specification, Release 2

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