National Secure Messaging Network - FAQs
Information about NSMN solution design, Provider Directories, message formats, message content, reference data, testing, technical support, standards, terminology and more.
Secure Messaging v2.0
Secure Messaging
My Health Record Connecting Systems - Security Conformance Profile - FAQs
The Security Requirements for My Health Record Connecting Systems Conformance Profile contains software requirements that harden clinical information systems from cyber security attacks, uplift information security and protect patient information and your software product.
National Secure Messaging Network (NSMN)
The National Secure Messaging Network is a standards-based network, developed by the Agency in collaboration with its industry partners.
Secure Messaging Integration Toolkit v1.2.5
Secure Messaging Integration Toolkit
Secure Messaging - Release Note v2.0
Release Note
Secure Messaging Integration Toolkit - Release Note v1.2.5
Release Note
National Secure Messaging Network - Blueprint v1.0
Secure Messaging Conformance Test Tools - Software Package v1.0.3
Software Package
Secure Messaging - HL7 v2 MDM message for CDA package v2.5
HL7 v2 MDM message for CDA package
Secure Messaging Integration Toolkit - Developer Resources (Sample Code) v1.0.0
Developer Resources (Sample Code)
About digital health standards
HI Service - IHI Lookup - Test Cases
After successfully executing the IHI Lookup, it is important to modify your implementation to meet the Test Cases for the Use Cases we have built to UC.010 and UC.015.
My Health Record Connecting Systems - Security Conformance Profile v1.0
Security Conformance Profile
E-health secure message delivery v2013
Secure Message Delivery - Conformance Assessment Scheme v3.2
Conformance Assessment Scheme
Health Supply Chain Messaging, Part 1: Messaging rules and process logic
How do I populate MSH-3, MSH-4, MSH-5 and MSH-6 segments of the outgoing REF-I12 and MDM-T02 messages to support successful message exchanges?
Successful message exchange is dependent upon the correct population of segments MSH-3, MSH-4, MSH-5 and MSH-6 of outgoing messages.