The Australian Digital Health Agency's Developer Portal offers guides to assist software developers connecting digital health solutions to each other and to the national infrastructure. Find guides using the search bar by keywords, service, or topic.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Clinical Document Service
In this guide, we will be accessing Prescription and Dispense List and Allergies List contained in a patient’s clinical document service
PCA™ - Count and paging
The _count search parameter returns the number of requested resources per page (excluding the resources returned with _include search parameter) as requested by the client.
PCA™ - Create healthcare service
Now that we have created a Location we want to add one or more Healthcare services that are delivered at that Location.
PCA™ - Create location
We have already created the Organization resource as part of the participation configuration process and now we need to create Locations for the Organisation.
PCA™ - Create practitioner role
Now that you have created an Organization and HealthcareService at a Location, and have found a Practitioner, you can create a PractitionerRole.
My Health Record - Mobile integration
The Australian Digital Health Agency aims to increase the adoption of the My Health Record by connecting the My Health Record platform to mobile applications through industry-standard APIs.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Environment Setup and Authentication
Within these guides we will demonstrate the functionality of the FHIR® Gateway using Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio and the Android Emulator
PCA™ - Generate JWT
Before a client can interact with the PCA™, it needs to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) - RFC7519 that will be used to authenticate the client to the PCA™ Identity and Access Manager.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Generic Document Services
This guide will look at retrieving all clinical document data (including these 2, but excluding MBS documents)
PCA™ - Get access token
Once you have a signed authentication JWT, the client can request an access token.
PCA™ - Get information use statement
When you have found a partner service (HealthcareService), you can download the information use statement to inform the publication authorise operation.
PCA™ - Get service offerings
Based on the criteria defined in the notification channel above and upon receipt of POST to the subscriber issues a search operation.
PCA™ - Get status of matched records
Once a business partner has attempted to match the service offerings that a publisher has authorised, it may provide the status of those matches back to the PCA™ for the publisher to download. This provides confirmation back to the publisher of the status of matched records.
PCA™ - Getting started
The developer guide is intended to get you up-and-running with using the PCA™ API. It covers everything you need to know from registration, authorisation, participation to publication and subscription.
PCA™ - Implementation patterns
This section outlines a common implementation pattern for writing (creating / updating) information with the PCA™.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Registration and Overview
In this tutorial, you will; register as a developer for the Gateway, understand your testing obligations and more
HI Service - Registration and Certificates
In this guide, you will register as a developer for the HI Service, request test certificates and test environment data, install the test certificates locally, import certificates in CIS software.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Medicare and PBS Information
When a patient has an appointment with a healthcare provider, and that healthcare provider is eligible for a Medicare rebate, a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) clinical document is sent to Medicare
NASH SHA-2 Certificates - Developer Guide
This developer guide is for developers whose products connect to the HI Service, My Health Record, electronic prescribing and secure messaging using a NASH (National Authentication Service for Health) PKI certificate.
PCA™ - Participation configuration
Before using PCA™ as a publisher or subscriber, an organisation must, register, submit a participation agreement by an individual representative of the organisation, authorise a client for that organisation.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Patient Details and Record List
We will use the token received from MyGov to access the patient’s My Health Record
Electronic Prescribing - NPDS and ASLR
The following steps will assist software developers who provide National Prescription Delivery Service (NPDS) and/or Active Script List Registry capabilities to declare software conformance with the Agency’s Electronic Prescribing technical framework.
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Personal Health Summary
In this guide, we will be accessing a patient’s medications and allergies contained in a Personal Health Summary
PCA™ - Publisher
Registering a publisher organisation as a participant in the Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) can only be done through the Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) portal.