The Australian Digital Health Agency's Developer Portal offers guides to assist software developers connecting digital health solutions to each other and to the national infrastructure. Find guides using the search bar by keywords, service, or topic.
PCA™ - Publisher operations
This section explains how to configure Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) for publisher operations.
PCA™ - Register client
Access to register endpoint requires an initial access token (IAT) of type bearer. Publisher and Subscriber organisations must now request an IAT by registering their software details with the PCA™ Operator first.
PCA™ - Register notification channel
In order for a subscriber to know that information has become available based on some defined criteria, the subscriber needs register a notification channel either via the Portal or using an API.
PCA™ - Search for partner services
After creating a healthcare service(s) at a location, you can search for available partner services.
My Health Record Connecting Systems - Security Conformance Profile - FAQs
The Security Requirements for My Health Record Connecting Systems Conformance Profile contains software requirements that harden clinical information systems from cyber security attacks, uplift information security and protect patient information and your software product.
Software Developer Impact Roadmap
This roadmap has been developed to capture known impacts to software developers across participating government organisations.
PCA™ - Submit match record
Once you have obtained service offerings from the PCA™, the business partner will use the sourced information to match records internally.
PCA™ - Subscriber (Business partner)
Registering a business partner organisation as a participant in Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) can only be done through the Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) portal.
PCA™ - Subscriber capability statement
The capability statement of the Publisher Agent is specific to the organisation and can be accessed using:
PCA™ - Subscriber operations
This section explains how to configure PCA™ for subscriber operations.
PCA™ - Synchronisation
Initially the client system will download all relevant records, so the <lastSync> will not be set.
HIPS - Conformance
Overview of the HIPS conformance journey
Overview of the HIPS conformance journey
HIPS - Operational Insights
HIPS Operational Insights is a diagnostic and operational performance toolset supporting the HIPS system.
HIPS Operational Insights is a diagnostic and operational performance toolset supporting the HIPS system.
PCA™ - Generate JWK set
Prior to registration, the client software needs to generate a 2048-bit RSA key pair as defined in PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography Specifications – RFC 8017 and conveyed using JSON Web Key (JWK) – RFC 7517.
PCA™ - Include and iterate
In some cases where the requesting subscription system is stateless or in events where you want all elements referenced irrespective of whether they have changed, a requesting system may use other filter expressions.
PCA™ - Find a practitioner
Before you can create a PractitionerRole, you must first find an existing Practitioner using their AHPRA Registration Number.
Open Source Sample Code Directory - GitHub and NuGet
The Agency provides sample code directly on GitHub, NuGet, and Maven.
HI Service - Test and Go Live
All products developed, or updated, to connect with the HI Service are required to undergo testing before production access is granted.
HI Service - FAQs
The following questions are about using healthcare identifiers in health software systems.
My Health Record Notice of Connection (NoC) and Conformance Compliance and Declaration (CCD) testing
To integrate software products with the My Health Record system, two types of testing are required.
Electronic Prescribing – Frequently Asked Questions
Electronic Prescribing Frequently Asked Questions covering topics such as Prescribing Systems, Dispensing Systems, Mobile Applications, Mobile Intermediaries, Transitional eNRMC and Conformance Profile and more.
My Health Record Document Types
The My Health Record system uses document class codes and type codes as critical metadata elements to enhance the search and discovery of clinical documents.
National Secure Messaging Network (NSMN)
The National Secure Messaging Network is a standards-based network, developed by the Agency in collaboration with its industry partners.
National Secure Messaging Network - FAQs
Information about NSMN solution design, Provider Directories, message formats, message content, reference data, testing, technical support, standards, terminology and more.