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Quick intro

This section explains how to configure Provider Connect Australia™ (PCA™) for publisher operations.

Publisher steps

The following table lists the high level steps a Publisher can implement with PCA, along with the supported channels:

RefSteps to implementTypeChannelVolume
1Publisher capability statementInformationAPI onlyLow
2Create a location for an organisationRequiredPortal & APILow
3Create healthcare service for a location RequiredPortal & APIMed
4Search for partner services that we want to disclose the information toRequiredPortal & APIMed
5Get the information use statement of the partner serviceRequiredPortal & APIMed
6Find a practitionerRequiredPortal & APIHigh
7Using the found practitioner, create a practitioner roleRequiredPortal & APIHigh
8Authorise publication to business partnerRequiredPortal onlyLow
9Get status of business partner matched recordsOptionalAPI onlyHigh

For all operations, including management of subscriber information, refer to publisher operations in the API reference.

Publisher capability statement

The capability statement of the Publisher Agent will be specific to the organisation and can be accessed using the command:

FHIR serverCapability Statement
Publisher Agent 

Please note the FHIR ${base} URL will be different as per environments in Getting started section.

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Provider Connect Australia™, Helping healthcare providers stay connected™

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