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Quick intro

Once you have obtained service offerings from the PCA™, the business partner will use the sourced information to match records internally. It may choose to publish the result of that matching to PCA™ which will enable the relevant publisher to pull down from the PCA™, and action as required.

RESTful create

This operation is a RESTful create interaction (type level Interaction) as described in of a PCA™ Match Record resource as described in

POST /PcaFhirApi/v2/subscriber/org-75565b3240034e638901a25f337f08d0/fhir/Task HTTP/1.1
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"resourceType": "Task",
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"intent": "reflex-order",
"code": {
"coding": [
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"code": "MATCH"
"focus": {
"reference": "HealthcareService/hcs-13316d931db0432cb109d9a3dededfd2"
"owner": {
"reference": "HealthcareService/prs-8d42e75207d5417e9cf29880f072f181"
"note": [
"text": "Created Subscriber Id"
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