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One of the key features available to business partners is to prefill business partner online forms using PCA™. The benefit here is to streamline and expedite the registration process for their customers.  

This can be configured in the partner service using the PCA™ Portal as per below:

PCA online forms integration edit partner service

The following attributes/tags can be configured in the URL to provide context specific information back to the online form:

IdentifierURL tag formatWhere tag is allowedHow URL tag will be populated
PCA-issued practitioner role identifier{pr-pca-pri}NYPractitionerRole.identifier (where system =
Subscriber-specific practitioner role identifier{pr-sub=[identifier-system]}NYPractitionerRole.identifier (where system = 'identifier=system' in tag)
PCA-issued healthcare service identifier{hcs-pca-hsi}YYHealthcareService.identifier (where system =
Subscriber-specific healthcare service identifier{hcs-sub=[identifier-system]}YYHealthcareService.identifier (where system = 'identifier=system' in tag)
PCA-issued location identifier{loc-pca-li}YYLocation.identifier (where system =
Subscriber-specific location identifier{loc-sub=[identifier-system]}YYLocation.identifier (where system = 'identifier=system' in tag)
ABN organisation identifier{org-abn}YYOrganisation.identifier (where system = - populate with first occurrence of ABN identifier that is found by traversing up the org hierarchy
HPI-O organisation identifier{org-hpio}YYOrganisation.identifier (where system = - populate with first occurrence of HPI-O identifier that is found by traversing up the org hierarchy
Subscriber-specific organisation identifier{org-sub=[identifier-system]}YYOrganisation.identifier (where system = 'identifier=system' in tag) - populate with first occurrence of subscriber identifier that is found by traversing up the org hierarchy

From a publishing perspective, when the PCA™ portal user clicks on the link configured below

PCA online forms integration portal link configured

the form will be requested as per URL below:

PCA online forms integration forms request url

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