Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) OID Repository
OIDs assigned by the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) for external use under the arc of
My Health Record FHIR® Mobile Gateway - Environment Setup and Authentication
Within these guides we will demonstrate the functionality of the FHIR® Gateway using Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio and the Android Emulator
Healthcare Identifier Service - Individual Healthcare Identifiers Business Requirements v1.0
Individual Healthcare Identifiers Business Requirements
Healthcare Identifier Service - Q&A for Healthcare Identifiers v1.0
Q&A for Healthcare Identifiers
Health informatics - Automatic identification and data capture marking and labelling
Subject of care and individual provider identification
PCA™ - Update business partner identifier
In cases when a publisher submits a business partner identifier and the business partner identifies that an incorrect identifier has been provided the business partner can patch the identifier provided in PCA™.
PCA™ - Online forms integration
One of the key features available to business partners is to prefill business partner online forms using PCA™.
Discover resources based on relevant topics
HI Service - Test and Go Live
All products developed, or updated, to connect with the Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI) Service are required to undergo testing before production access is granted.
Healthcare Identifiers Integration Toolkit v1.2
Healthcare Identifiers Integration Toolkit
PCA™ - Generate JWT
Before a client can interact with the PCA™, it needs to generate a JSON Web Token (JWT) - RFC7519 that will be used to authenticate the client to the PCA™ Identity and Access Manager.